The “golden years” may not be so “golden” for those couples who choose to part ways later in life. According to researchers, even though divorce rates in general seem to be stabilizing, the divorce rate among the “baby boomer” generation continues to increase.
This trend is proving to have a disproportionately negative effect on women over 50. Recent studies show that 1 in 5 women over 65 are still working. This number is 2 times higher than it was in the 1980s.
Divorce Later In Life Proving Difficult Financially For Women Over 50
Compared to couples who split when they are young, divorcing later in life is proving to have severe, financial impacts on the older population, particularly women. In a recent study, Claudia Olivetti of Boston College and Dana Rotz of Mathematica Policy Research surveyed 56,000 women and found that in comparison to those who divorce at age 30, women age 50 and above are 10% more likely to be working full-time between the ages of 50-74. It appears that divorcing later in life is pushing these women back to work and is forcing them … Read More... “Divorce Rate Up for Older Women: The Financial Impact Divorcing Later in Life”