Guardian Issues: New Responsibilities Imposed on Ohio Guardians

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What Are The Additional Requirements For A Guardian Of An Estate In Ohio?

guardian estate planningWhile it has always been a great responsibility to serve as a legal guardian for another individual, last year Ohio imposed a number of additional requirements of guardians in an effort to protect the welfare and safety of those wards to whom they serve.  These protections are both financial and personal.

An individual can be guardian of the person, guardian of the estate (financial), or more likely guardian of the person and the estate of another individual.  Previously, a guardian of the person was required to protect and control the ward, provide suitable maintenance for the ward, make appropriate decisions for the ward, provide education if the ward is a minor and file guardian’s reports with the court.  A guardian of the estate was required to file an inventory with the court, deposit money in a financial institution in this state, invest funds in a lawful manner, make and file accounts annually, expend funds only upon written approval of the court and file guardian’s reports.

I addition to these requirements and in order to … Read More... “Guardian Issues: New Responsibilities Imposed on Ohio Guardians”

A Review of the Book, Unliving the Dream

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Review Unliving the Dream

Below is my review of the book Unliving the Dream by Sandra Vischer. These five (5) are the major characters or “players” in this fictional life story.

  • Alex: The Wife/Mother and author of the book. She has been married for twenty-plus years before the “story” unfolds before her eyes. She believes that she has a very happy and loving marriage.
  • James: The Husband/Father of the story. He is the one who initiates the break-up of the marriage and family.
  • Mara: The “other woman” who just happens to be a friend of Alex and an employee of the family firm.
  • Lily: The daughter of Alex and James.
  • Jack: The son of Alex and James.

When the book commences, Alex and James are at a hotel in Victoria, Canada. Alex senses that something is amiss with their relationship and marriage of twenty-plus (20) years and keeps asking James questions about what is wrong and what is happening to their relationship. He finally blurts out these words: “There is someone I would like to start seeing. I just need a little break. I want to see what it feels like … Read More... “A Review of the Book, Unliving the Dream”

Artificial Insemination: What Happens When Same-Sex Couples Divorce?

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How Ohio’s Artificial Insemination Statute Will Impact Same-Sex Couples

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: I want to thank our legal extern, Matthew Kimmel, for all his assistance in researching and writing today’s blog post.  Excellent job Matt!

artificial Insemination same-sex couplesTennessee made news recently in regards to a controversial court ruling concerning same-sex couples.  In the case, one partner of a same sex couple became pregnant through artificial insemination with the intent that both partners would raise the child.  However, after the child was born and the couple divorced, things got tricky.  The court ruled that in a situation like this, the parent who bears no biological relationship with the child has no contractual relationship with the child.  Thus, they will not be liable for child support, but they also will not have a say over the upbringing of the child.  A parent in this situation may be granted visitation rights, but will not bear any sort of legal rights  over the child.

Artificial Insemination Statute In Tennessee Ruling

The 4th Circuit Court in Tennessee arrived at this conclusion by looking at the state’s artificial insemination statute .  The statute states that, … Read More... “Artificial Insemination: What Happens When Same-Sex Couples Divorce?”

Parent Issues: Can a Parent Force the Sterilization of Their Minor Child?

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Should A Parent Have The Power To Force Sterilization Of Their Developmentally Disabled Child?

parent sterilization childAs individuals we have certain inalienable rights, granted to us by the Constitution.  The right to own a gun, the right to vote, the right of free speech . . . the list goes on and on.  Among those rights that we as U.S. citizens enjoy, is the right to parent as we see fit (subject to certain exceptions, of course).  Parents are generally allowed to make important decisions on behalf of their minor children.  Examples include, what type of food the child eats (vegan, gluten free, organic, etc.), what type of school the child will attend (public school, private school or home-school) and whether or not the child will be vaccinated.  In addition, parents are charged with deciding how to discipline their children and what organized religion, if any, they will be raised in.  Whether or not parents realize it, the decisions they make today will affect their children for the rest of their lives.

But what if parents DID realize that a choice they were making was going to have an … Read More... “Parent Issues: Can a Parent Force the Sterilization of Their Minor Child?”

Divorce: Why Marriages Fall Apart – And The Survey Says…

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How Does A Marriage Fall Apart? Divorce Reseach Reveals Top 10 Reasons

divorce surveyThe reasons couples divorce are as varied and different as the individuals involved.  However, upon closer examination, it seems that there is often a common thread as to why the breakdown occurred.

The British law firm of Slater & Gordon interviewed 1000 divorcees in order to better understand how a marriage ends up falling apart.

Their research showed that the top 10 reasons given for divorce were: 1 – infidelity, 2 – we were unhappy, 3 – we argued too much, 4 – we fell out of love, 5 – we didn’t communicate anymore, 6 – we wanted different things, 7 – they changed, 8 – we didn’t feel like partners anymore, 9 – they were abusive and 10 – we had money problems.

The rest of the firm’s findings are displayed in the infographic below.

divorce survey

The firm’s results clearly show that divorce is not something that couples enter into lightly.  In fact, those surveyed stated that, on average, they thought about divorcing their spouse for 2 years before it actually happened.

In addition, the … Read More... “Divorce: Why Marriages Fall Apart – And The Survey Says…”

GAL: Proving Your Guardian Ad Litem Is Conducting a Superficial Investigation

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Crucial Steps Counsel Can Take To Challenge Investigation Findings From An Incompetent GAL (Guardian Ad Litem)

GAL Guardian Ad Litem investigationA month or so ago I took a trip out to Lake Tahoe for one of my college buddy’s bachelor party.  Let me tell you something about Lake Tahoe during the ski offseason, you gamble a lot.  And that is what we all did during the weekend.  We just gambled and placed bets on various sporting events at the three casinos Lake Tahoe has to offer.  I did not go crazy with the bets because my wife would murder me, but I had some fun taking a risk on the uncertainty of will I win or not.  Except for when I placed a bet against the Reds during their series with the Pirates.  I knew for a fact I was going to make money on that bet.

In any event, I often get that feeling of uncertainty when a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) is appointed to any of my child custody cases.  I know for a fact that the GAL report can make or break my client’s case surrounding … Read More... “GAL: Proving Your Guardian Ad Litem Is Conducting a Superficial Investigation”

Medicaid: Qualified Income Trust Needed For Eligibility

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ALERT: Significant Changes in Ohio’s Medicaid Income Rules Have Arrived! Qualified Income Trust Needed For Higher Income Families To Be Eligible

medicaid qualified income trust ohioFor those receiving long-term care services, Ohio’s Medicaid program has always had a monthly income limit.  In 2016, that limit is $2,199 per month.  However, until now, Ohio was a spenddown state, which meant that as long as the individual spent down each month on monthly expenses below the income threshold, the individual would be eligible to receive Medicaid services.  Effective July 1, 2016, no one will be able to spend down to meet the monthly income threshold, but will need to deposit any excess income into a Qualified Income Trust (QIT) to become eligible for Medicaid coverage.

A QIT will divert some of the applicant’s monthly income into an irrevocable trust managed by a trustee (usually a family member).  The trust can only be funded with the individual’s pension, social security or other income.  No other resources may be added to the trust.  The income must first be paid to the individual and then transferred into the trust.  The money in the trust can … Read More... “Medicaid: Qualified Income Trust Needed For Eligibility”

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