Father’s Day: Dad, Diapers, and Drinks!

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Happy Father’s Day! How The Law Of Economics Relates To Fathers, And Their Purchasing Habits

Our law extern, Matthew Kimmel, penned this blog article. He took an interesting “twist” on Father’s Day! It is a humorous read…

father's day beer diapersOn a family law blog, legal discussions about topics such as child custody or divorce are the norm.  However, with Father’s Day approaching, we’re going to shift all the focus towards Dad. Instead of analyzing traditional laws relating to domestic relations, the focus of this article will instead be on a “law” of economics that relates to fathers, as well as another newly emerging fatherly trend.

There are a variety of “urban legends” or tall tales that have been told time and time again throughout history and seem to take on a life of their own. I am going to discuss a tale about a marketing phenomenon targeted at fathers .  This urban legend doesn’t deal with Elvis still being alive or a foreign prince trying to give away their fortunes to you (although if anyone out there wants to step up and pay my law school debt, be my … Read More... “Father’s Day: Dad, Diapers, and Drinks!”

Estate Planning and Probate: The Effect of Titling of Assets

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Effective Titling Of Assets Can Benefit Estate Planning Probate Documents

estate planning probate payable on death titling of assetsMany people do not understand the distinctions between how one titles one’s assets and the resulting repercussions from it. Properly titling one’s assets can greatly increase the effectiveness of one’s estate plan. Some of these distinctions are described below:

  • Power of Attorney: Adding another individual as power of attorney on an asset does not convey any ownership rights, but allows an agent to manage the asset and utilize it just as if the owner could. The agent is known as your attorney-in-fact. Adding a power of attorney does not keep an asset from having to go through the probate process, but allows an agent to manage the asset (pay bills, etc.) without having to go through a guardianship proceeding.
  • Payable on Death/ Transfer on Death: often confuse Power of Attorney (POA) with Payable on Death (POD) designations. By designating someone as a Payable on Death (POD) beneficiary does not give any rights during the owner’s lifetime but allows the asset to pass directly to the payable on death beneficiary on the death of the owner without having
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Parenting Time: The “New” Standard Order of Parenting Time for Montgomery County, Ohio

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What Are The New Changes In The Standard Order of Parenting Time Regarding Mother’s Day And Father’s Day?

standard order of parenting time father's dayOn September 3, 2011, I posted an article on the Ohio Family Law Blog about the “New” and “Improved” Montgomery County Standard Order of Visitation. At that time, the major change was in the way Summer Parenting Time was to be exercised. The Court decided that Fathers should have alternate weeks of visitation during the summer rather than being limited to just five weeks or thirty-five (35) days of visitation. Some Fathers have elected to take advantage of this change in the Standard Order of Parenting Time and some Fathers, because of work schedules and other factors, have simply chosen to stay with the four (4) to five (5) weeks of visitation during the summer vacation period.

On February 1, 2016, the Domestic Relations Court of Montgomery County, Ohio issued a “new” Standard Order of Parenting Time with the major difference being in the way that Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are addressed. I shall present to you the exact changes in this provision and the rationale for same:… Read More... “Parenting Time: The “New” Standard Order of Parenting Time for Montgomery County, Ohio”

Social Security Benefits Can Be Maximized Post Final Divorce Decree

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Divorce Final? How To Maximize Your Social Security Retirement Benefit By Utilizing The Divorced Spouse Benefit

social security retirement benefit divorceYour divorce is finalized!  It is over and done, and you have moved on with your life.  The assets, monetary accounts, retirement accounts, and the like all have been divided per the divorce decree.  With that divorce decree in hand, you ex-spouse is no longer entitled to any future benefit you may receive, and that goes the same for you.  However, there is one benefit you want to keep in mind when you are approaching retirement age.  That benefit is the ability to collect Social Security Retirement on your ex-spouses record even if he or she has remarried!  Like all government benefits there are some requirements you must meet in order to collect under your ex-spouse’s work record.

This benefit, entitled divorced spouse benefit, requires the following:

  • Your marriage lasted 10 years or longer;
  • You are currently unmarried;
  • You are 62 years or older;
  • Your ex-spouse is entitled to Social Security retirement or disability benefits; and
  • The benefit you are entitled to receive based on your own work record is less
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Domestic Violence Charge And The Federal Gun Control Act

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How A Plea Bargain From A Domestic Violence Charge to A Non-Domestic Violence Charge Still Carries A Federal Gun Ban

domestic violence charge gunDomestic violence is never an easy subject to talk about or, in my line of work, to defend.  To be honest, there really is no run of the mill domestic violence case.  Some domestic violence cases have no defense and I just work out the best possible deal for my client.  For other domestic violence cases, after reading the police report and witness statements, I ask myself “how the hell did this person get charged with domestic violence?”

Or my favorite scenario, a responding police officer charges both individuals involved with the incident with domestic violence.  Then when both accused individuals show up to their respective arraignments, the prosecutor will approach the less aggressive of the two (no idea how that is accomplished), and ask if he/she would be willing to testify against the other in exchange for dismissing their domestic violence charge.

No matter the scenario or your feelings surrounding domestic violence, the bottom line is that a domestic violence conviction carries with it … Read More... “Domestic Violence Charge And The Federal Gun Control Act”

Photos Tools To Protect And Personalize Your Digital Memories Online

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Do You Take a Lot of Photos of Your Kids? Some Amazing Statistics for Mother’s Day!

photos mother's dayMiMedia Inc., just published the results of a recent survey that explored how parents snap, shoot, share and store photos and videos of their beloved children ages 0 – 3. This next-generation personal cloud platform posed questions to 1,000 parents nationwide about their digital habits and lifestyles, investigating how much storage space baby photos and videos take up on their devices.

I bet some of the results of the study will amaze even the most prolific photographers!

Here Are Some of the Key Findings.

  • 76% of parents admit to running out of storage on their phones from taking too many photos/videos of their kids
  • 71% think Moms take more photos of their kids than Dads
  • Nearly 3 out of 5 parents (58%) say their child (age 0-3) was able to operate a touchscreen digital device by swiping before they learned to speak
  • 57% think Moms share too many baby photos on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Almost half (47%) of parents say their child (age 0-3) likes taking selfies
  • 47%
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Estate Planning: A Truly Sad Story, Prince – His Tragic Death and His Lack of Estate Planning

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Singer Prince Passing Proves The Importance Of Estate Planning Documents

estate planning ohio princeAs everyone knows by now, sadly, Prince unexpectedly passed away recently. In the days following his untimely death, questions began to arise as to whom would inherit his estate, which some have estimated to be worth between 300 and 500 million dollars. Surely he had a will, experts speculated. He had an army of attorneys working for him.

As it turns out, he apparently died with no estate planning documents in place. When asked how this happened, one of his many attorneys stated “Maybe he didn’t expect to die.” Unfortunately, this is the mindset that many of us have. We never would expect to die so soon.

Lack Of Estate Planning Documents Can Result In Repercussions For Surviving Family Members

Prince died leaving 1 full sister and 6 half siblings. Under Minnesota law, as under Ohio law, the 7 of them will share equally in his estate. Is this what he would have wanted? Possibly, but he was known to have given generously to charities, having developed a foundation and having already donated millions to … Read More... “Estate Planning: A Truly Sad Story, Prince – His Tragic Death and His Lack of Estate Planning”

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