Why Looking At Credit Scores Might Not Be a Bad Idea Before Making A Commitment In A Relationship
The Federal Reserve Board has recently published a working paper entitled, “Credit Scores and Committed Relationships.” In it, authors Jane Dokko, Geng Li and Jessica Hayes explore the potential correlation between one’s credit score and their likelihood of being a good partner or spouse. The study’s results seem to suggest that people with higher credit scores are more likely to be in committed relationships. In addition, the authors argue that how well a couple’s credit scores match initially, may also be a good indicator of whether the relationship has staying power. To read the full study see, https://www.federalreserve.gov/econresdata/feds/2015/files/2015081pap.pdf.
The study conducted between 1999 and 2014, used 12 million randomly selected people from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Consumer Credit Panel/Equifax. Within this sample, researchers used an algorithm to find people who lived at the same address as another consumer from the sample. Certain restrictions were applied to ensure that the pair was in some type of committed relationship. Their credit scores were then monitored … Read More... “Credit Scores: Using to Evaluate Potential Mates In A Relationship?”