Uncoupling and Divorce

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What is Uncoupling and How Does It Relate To Or Not Relate To Divorce?

uncoupling divorceA few years ago when Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced they were “consciously uncoupling”, many rolled their eyes at what felt like pretentious language.

While “uncoupling” sounds a little strange, in truth, it may be a more precise way to describe the demise of a marriage and the subsequent unraveling of intertwined lives, then just saying “we are getting divorced.” Divorce is a legal process that culminates with a bang of a gavel. Uncoupling is the emotional process of ending the marital/romantic relationship. It extends far beyond mere legalities.

Unlike divorce that clearly defines the practical division of financial assets and legal responsibilities, uncoupling rarely has clear boundaries or a definite end. Especially when there are children; the relationship doesn’t end so much as morph into another kind of relationship.

Do not assume “Relationship” always refers to one of civility; while that is the ideal, in truth many couples continue their post marital relationship by bickering, fighting and power struggles. These adversarial marriages, while legally over, are not really uncoupled; there … Read More... “Uncoupling and Divorce”

Same-Sex Marriages: Should Judges Decline To Perform Same-Sex Marriages?

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Judicial Performance of Same-Sex Marriages: Personal Beliefs Must Take a Back-Seat to Impartiality

same-sex marriages ohioEarlier this summer, the Supreme Court held that an individual’s right to marry a person of his or her choice to be a fundamental right under the United States Constitution. This ruling, highly publicized and long-anticipated, sparked expansive debate regarding Same-Sex Marriages across the country as citizens struggled to adapt their personal and professional lives in accordance with the Court’s intent to equally expand the rights of marriage to same-sex couples. Not long after, small businesses engaged in the “wedding industry” – perhaps, most notably a bakery in Colorado – announced that due to personal beliefs, they would not extend their services to same-sex couples that wished to marry. Debate and litigation continues to develop as courts begin to unearth whether the personal beliefs of business owners to essentially engage in discrimination violate the Supreme Court’s holding.

While the media likely anticipated backlash from United States citizens historically entitled to their personal beliefs and motives concerning same-sex marriages, it might not have anticipated the extension of similar concerns all the way to the … Read More... “Same-Sex Marriages: Should Judges Decline To Perform Same-Sex Marriages?”

Child Support: Jackpot Earnings Can Be seized From Child Support

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Casino Jackpot? Maybe Not. Another ‘Weapon’ for the Child Support Enforcement Agencies of Ohio

child support ohio jackpotThe State of Ohio has eighty-eight (88) counties and each county has a Child Support Enforcement Agency (“CSEA”) tasked with the collection of child support payments from Obligors (primarily Fathers and former Husbands). For many years, the Child Support Enforcement Agencies have been able to “intercept” Income Tax Refunds of Obligors having arrearages in their child Support Accounts.  Recently, a new “weapon” has been added to the arsenal of the Child Support Agencies.  They can now intercept racino or gambling winnings of Obligors who are behind with child support payments.

In an August 5, 2015 posting, it was reported that two (2) million dollars in unpaid child support had been “seized” from jackpot winners at the state’s casinos and racinos in the last eleven (11) months. (Caveat:  It appears that “deadbeat” Dads are also inclined to gamble!!  I was surprised at the amount of child support seized from gambling earnings!)  To achieve this success rate, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has been working with the casinos and racinos to check … Read More... “Child Support: Jackpot Earnings Can Be seized From Child Support”

Child Study: Fathers In-Kind Support For Child

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Recent Child Support Study Shows That We May Be Overlooking the In-Kind Support Low-Income, Non-Custodial Fathers Actually Provide

child in-kind support fathersIn a recent article published in The Journal of Marriage and Family, a study of the child support provided by approximately 400 low-income, non-residential fathers suggests that “in-kind” support, that is, support in the form of something other than money, is not typically considered even though it constitutes about one quarter of the total support given. Click here to read the in-kind support study,

Most courts only acknowledge formal or informal support provided (i.e. money paid either directly or indirectly to the mother). The authors of this study argue that many of these low-income fathers provide gifts, food, everyday essentials and services, yet are still labeled “dead-beat dads” because their in-kind support goes unseen by the child support system. As a result, the authors argue that policymakers cannot cure the issues within the system until they have an accurate picture of the situation.

Therefore, the study set out to determine how much in-kind support is being given by these fathers and what their motivation behind giving it is.  In … Read More... “Child Study: Fathers In-Kind Support For Child”

Divorce In Another Place: A Quick And Painless Divorce

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Looking to Divorce Somewhere Other Than Where You Live? Why You May Want to Reconsider

divorce destination ohioIn a previous article written on July 25, 2015, titled, “Divorce: DivorceHotel Provides Vacation And A Divorce“, I discussed the U.S.’s first “divorce hotel” in Saratoga Springs, NY which offers a weekend retreat where a couple can indulge in fine dining and relaxing spa treatments, all while their divorce is being finalized.

Headed by Netherlands-based company, DivorceHotel, the newest trend in separations is to offer a “destination divorce” where couples can vacation and end their marriage simultaneously.  While the idea may seem appealing at first glance, several factors should be carefully considered before you decide to pack your bags.

Getting a divorce in a place other than where you live is nothing new.  For years, people have been traveling outside of their home state to take advantage of “quickie divorce” policies in other locations. In the past, some couples headed to Nevada, while others went a bit further traveling to countries such as Mexico and the Dominican Republic to take advantage of the fast and inexpensive divorce options offered.  Quick … Read More... “Divorce In Another Place: A Quick And Painless Divorce”

Divorce: DivorceHotel Provides Vacation And A Divorce

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DivorceHotel – A Relaxing Getaway to Get Away from Being Married! Hotel Resort Provides Quickie Divorce Package

divorce DivorceHotelIn September 2014, a luxurious resort in upstate New York became the first hotel in the United States in which you can check in married on Friday, and check out single on Sunday! The Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs has paired with Netherlands-based company, DivorceHotel, and is now officially catering to the needs of those looking for a vacation and a divorce all at the same time.

While this is a somewhat novel concept for the U.S., hotels across Europe have been providing hundreds of “quickie divorces” to couples since 2012.  DivorceHotel, seeks to offer a friendlier and more affordable separation process compared to the typical contentious and lengthy litigation proceedings that usually accompany a divorce.

The divorce package costs anywhere from $5000 to approximately $12000 and includes 2 separate rooms (however the couple can stay together if they so choose), an attorney for each spouse and a mediator who works with the couple at the hotel. Upon arrival, the spouses are greeted with a “welcome package” … Read More... “Divorce: DivorceHotel Provides Vacation And A Divorce”

Parents’ Day: Have You Heard About National Parents’ Day

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Do you Celebrate National Parents’ Day? What Is It, And Is It Really A Holiday We Celebrate In The United States?

parents' day national holidayWhen I was asked to write an article about National Parents’ Day, my first reaction was to ask, “What is it?” I have not heard about it. Do Hallmark and American Greetings Cards have cards available to exchange for persons wanting to celebrate this day? I am a subscriber to Jacquie Lawson Animated Greeting Cards and use her website to send cards and greetings to friends and relatives. Her list of holidays includes the following: New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, July 4th or Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Parents’ Day was not included in her list of holidays.

What is a holiday? Webster’s New World Dictionary defines a “holiday” as follows: “A day of freedom from labor (work), often one set aside by law”. When we think of Christmas, we envision Christmas trees, festive lights, Christmas cards, and presents. When we think of Easter, we envision the Easter Bunny, Easter baskets, colored eggs, and Easter cards. … Read More... “Parents’ Day: Have You Heard About National Parents’ Day”

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