Narcissism: Is it all about you?

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Rates of Narcissism Increasing With College Kids and Children

narcissism childrenI grew up during a time when my generation was encouraged to “do your own thing.” I wonder if we’ve taken that advice to the extreme.

Lots of different trends support the view that we’ve become incredibly self-absorbed, with a focus on what we want rather than on a concern for others. Status, power and physical attributes seem to be of highest priority.

Academic researchers have documented increasing rates of narcissism among college kids and an inflated sense of self-worth among children in general. Cosmetic surgery for kids has become increasingly commonplace. Appearances are more important than substance.

Parents are more likely to select unique rather than common names for their children. They want their children to stand out rather than fit in.

In a review of over 800,000 books published in the past 50 years, the use of first-person pronouns (I, me) increased 42 percent. It’s all about me.

Social media sites are used to document the most mundane of activities. Why do people feel compelled to let others know that they made cookies or went … Read More... “Narcissism: Is it all about you?”

Children, App Technology, and Messaging Safely

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How vulnerable Are Children In Today’s App Technology-Driven Internet World?

New Certified Messenging Chat App For Children Provides Safe Monitoring For Parents And Encourages Responsible Social Media Development

children app safetySummer is coming.

These are the words that children ages 6-17 dream of hearing everyday as they’re leaving school.  Ten to fifteen years ago, summer meant baseball, bikes, and adventures outside with your friends.  The recent changes in technology have also brought about changes in interest among younger individuals in our population.  Today, summer means iPads, TV’s, computers, and video games.  Technology has brought about more advanced innovations at a cheaper price. This allows for easier access to extremely advanced technology. Think for a second, when was the last time you saw a child on an iPad, a tween with an iPhone, or a teenager paying more attention to their phone than their surroundings.  This means your children, and your neighbors children can work those new computers, navigate your complicated phone, and dazzle with online gaming faster than you could ever hope to.

With advancement in technology, comes advancement in vulnerability.    Our society will always maintain a small … Read More... “Children, App Technology, and Messaging Safely”

Mother’s Day – Valuable Tips For New Stepparents

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The Challenges of Blending Families – Important Advice For Mother’s Day

Patience Is Key When Stepmothers And Grandmothers Are Raising Their Grandchildren As Their Own Says Author Kate Fogerty

mother's day ohioNOTE: I was considering writing a new article about Mother’s Day so I began by looking through the Ohio Family Law Blog archives. Some advice is timeless. This one from seven years ago is still on point. Here is a reprise of “Mother’s Day – A Very Special Day!” We wish all Mother’s and Grandmother’s a wonderful Mother’s Day filled with smiles, laughter and joyous memories!

Naturally Mother’s Day is a special day for families and especially for mothers. In this day and age however, there are often multiple females who may play a key role in a child’s life. Stepmothers and grandmothers raising their grandchildren as their own are now quite the norm. These women need to be recognized on Mother’s Day.

Stepmothers are often portrayed in a negative light. It is important to look at all sides, as a step mom often has to walk the tight rope. She has to carefully navigate … Read More... “Mother’s Day – Valuable Tips For New Stepparents”

3 Ways to Save a Bad Marriage

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marriageYou got married hoping for a soul mate, but ended up in a relationship that feels like a roommate.

You know that marriages are never perfect. You expect occasional disagreements and a certain boredom that comes after a while from living together.

The experts say that a good marriage partner does four things very well:  communicates, resolves problems, builds trust, and does nice things for their spouse. You rarely have those experiences with your partner.

You think about divorce, but you’re scared.  You tolerate a known meaningless marriage to avoid an unknown future. Maybe this is as good it gets, and you should lower your expectations and be grateful for what you have.

What should you do?

  1. Begin with you. Before you demonize your partner, reflect upon your own behaviors. Are you happy with yourself? Do you act in ways that are caring, enthusiastic, and positive?  Are you the type of person that others enjoy being around?  Do others trust you and view you as a valued friend?Bad marriages are rarely the responsibility of only one partner. What happens over time is that a spouse develops negative
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Prenuptial Agreement: Is it Enforcable If You Dispose of It?

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Does Tearing up Your Executed Prenuptial Agreement in Ohio Revoke or Invalidate it?

prenuptial agreement ohioRecently, a New York court held that a husband could enforce a prenuptial agreement against his wife upon divorce, even though at the time the parties had no intention of ever being bound by the agreement and he ripped up his photocopy of the agreement at the same time his wife ripped up her original.  Braha v. Braha, 2014 NY Slip Op 51532.


The question presented here is, would the case yield the same result if it was adjudicated in Ohio?


In Braha, the parties stated that they entered into a prenuptial agreement only because the husband’s father was insistent they do so.  However, on their honeymoon they simultaneously ripped up copies of the agreement and threw them away.  The parties were married for twelve years before the marriage began to dissolve.  Upon dissolution, the husband produced his original copy of the prenuptial agreement and sought to enforce it.  He testified that he had destroyed only a photocopy of his agreement, while his wife had destroyed her original.

In its decision, … Read More... “Prenuptial Agreement: Is it Enforcable If You Dispose of It?”

Bankruptcy In Post-Divorce: Hire An Attorney Before You File!

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An Interview with Mr. Cris Shale relative to his thoughts Post-Bankruptcy/Divorce

Valuable Advice For Others Facing The Same Bankruptcy Dilemma Post-Divorce

bankruptcy divorce creditSeveral years ago, I posted an article to the Ohio Family Law Blog about my son and one of my clients who had both elected to file a Bankruptcy proceeding following a divorce and following a marital residence being “upside down” with the total mortgage liability.  In layman’s terms, the value of the marital residence, as appraised, was way below the mortgage indebtedness associated with the home.  Cris, with a high child support obligation and other associated bills, could not afford to keep the mortgage current on his former marital residence.  So, he sought counsel and filed a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

Before meeting with Cris, I sent to him several questions to stimulate our Bankruptcy discussion:

  • Were there any negative outcomes or effects from taking the Bankruptcy?
  • Were there any positive outcomes or effects from taking the Bankruptcy?
  • What advice would you offer to others contemplating a Bankruptcy action?
  • If you had the same set of facts today, would you again take the Bankruptcy?
  • What steps
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Divorce: Spouse Missing? Send Summons On Facebook!

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Will Serving Divorce Papers Via Facebook be Allowed in Ohio?

divorce facebook ohioJustice Matthew Cooper of the Manhattan, New York, Supreme Court is setting precedent which is likely to be a game-changer should the rest of the country follow suit.

In a recent decision, Justice Cooper gave Ellanora Baidoo the green light to serve her elusive husband, Victor Sena Blood-Dzraku, divorce papers through his Facebook account.

The couple, both from Ghana, were married in a civil ceremony in 2009.  Shortly thereafter, the relationship began to unravel when Blood-Dzraku refused to fulfill his promise of participating in a traditional Ghanaian wedding ceremony.  As a result, the couple parted ways and only remained in contact via social media and the occasional phone call.  Nevertheless, Blood-Dzraku apparently does not want a divorce as every attempt to find him has failed.

Baidoo’s attorney, Andrew Spinnell, explained that Blood-Dzraku is nowhere to be found.  The last known address for him was vacated in 2011, the post office has no forwarding address for him, no billing address linked to his prepaid cell phone exists, the Department of Motor Vehicles has no record of him, and … Read More... “Divorce: Spouse Missing? Send Summons On Facebook!”

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