Guidance From A Qualified Family Law Attorney Can Be Key For The Successful Recovery And Return Of A Missing Child In Custodial Interference Cases
Our guest contributor this week is Judianne Cochran a nationally recognized expert/consultant in the following disciplines: sex offender profiling; interstate and international parental abduction (custodial interference); interstate custody and parental alienation. Judi has been a guest contributor to the Ohio Family Law Blog since 2008. She has testified in numerous Courts throughout Ohio and the country. Judi presently resides in Columbus, Ohio.
What do I do if I am a parent victim of parental abduction, legally known as custodial interference? While there are good laws, both federal and state, in place there is a very frustrating growing trend in not being able to get cooperation in enforcing these laws. The first, and most damaging, problem begins with the initial attempts to file a report with the police and get the child entered into the system as “missing”. Without this crucial step, the abducting parent is able to run further and hide deeper before any assistance is provided to the target parent.
Unfortunately, … Read More... “Custodial Interference: Effective Parental Action is Often Necessary”