The Most Popular Way To Find An Attorney Is Through Internet Searches According To Survey
A recent survey conducted by Thomas Reuters (published by found that today more individuals prefer using the internet to find an attorney than any other method. Of the individuals surveyed, 38% preferred to use the internet as a first choice to find their next attorney. This percentage rose from 7% in 2005 to the current 38% in 2014. The second choice, asking a relative or friend, dropped from its 2005 percentage of 69% to a mere 29%.
The advancement of the internet as a tool to find attorneys should come as no surprise. The internet is booming in the United States and has continued to rapidly spread among all age groups in usage and access. The United States ranks second worldwide in internet subscriptions (behind China) but ranks number one in the world with mobile access to the internet. The full list can be seen here. These numbers have been increasing drastically over the past few years, but are not the only significant impact on individuals using the internet to … Read More... “Internet Becomes First Choice For Attorney Searches”