Supervised Visitation and the Role of Human Service Departments

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What Are The Basic Types And Goals Of Supervised Visitation?

supervised visitationSupervised child visitation can be indicated in cases involving custody; shared parenting; grandparent custody or visitation; divorce; legal separation; post-decree matters; emergency custody situations; abuse/neglect/dependency cases; concerns about parental abduction; and, reintroduction of a parent after a long absence.

Child visitation can be restricted or denied if a court finds that allowing regular visitation would endanger a child’s physical or emotional health.  In numerous situations, courts may order child visitation by stipulating how often visits are to occur, with whom, and whether the visits are to be supervised by a human services employee or some other responsible adult.  If there are protection and safety concerns the visits are supervised.

Such supervised visits also provide an opportunity for workers to observe and document parent-child interactions.

Types and Goals of Supervised Visitation

In many states there are three basic types of supervised visitation providers:  volunteers, paid professionals, or paid therapeutic providers. The latter two categories may include department of human services employees or their contractors. Their role is to protect the integrity of the visit and to provide a … Read More... “Supervised Visitation and the Role of Human Service Departments”

Custody Case Change – The Requirements

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What Legal Requirements Must Be Established For A Custody Case Change In Ohio?

This is a follow-up article to guest contributor Judianne Cochran’s post of March 1, 2014 titled “Custody Issues: Post-Decree Modification in Ohio”.

In that article Judi focused primarily on the importance of hiring a seasoned family law lawyer that frequently litigates post-decree custody matters.  In this article I want to discuss the legal requirements that must be provided to be successful in a change of custody case.

custodyIf you are looking to modify your divorce decree, one of the first major obstacles you will face is determining whether or not you have met the standard for a “change of circumstances” which is required before any modification can occur.  There are a few resources we can look to that provide insight as to what this amounts to, including case law and statutes.


Ohio Revised Code Section 3109.04 (E)(1)(a) gives us a quick glimpse and some stern words on what it takes to meet the “change of circumstances” required.

“The court shall not modify a prior decree allocating parental rights and responsibilities for the … Read More... “Custody Case Change – The Requirements”

Breaking Bad Habits: If Your Resolutions Are Slipping Away

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resolutionsResearch shows that most people have given up on their New Year’s Resolutions by the third week of January. Here are a couple of tips that might help you beat the odds and reach your goal.

Refocus – When the urge/craving comes on for that chocolate éclair, glass of wine, or fabulous new boots, refocusing your thoughts can go a long way in helping you slow down those urges. How does this work? Think of it as procrastination for a good cause. Most of us can find a gazillion other things to focus on instead of, say, cleaning the bathroom or doing our taxes. Refocus is simply shifting your thoughts to something else – read a book, work out, or even clean the bathroom or do your taxes early. By the time you are through with this new chore you will find your craving has passed.

Revalue – Instead of thinking about how good that cigarette will feel, think about it blackening your lungs. When you stop rationalizing about how you “ deserve this” and focus rather on how you “deserve” to be healthy, you can begin … Read More... “Breaking Bad Habits: If Your Resolutions Are Slipping Away”

Divorce Rates on the Climb as the Economy Recovers

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Recent Spike In Divorce Rates Tied To Economy Study Suggests

divorceInterestingly, while the total number of new cases filed in Ohio in 2012 hit a 10-year low, the same cannot be said about divorce actions.  Ohio has seen a recent spike in divorce after a steady decline for the past decade.  To get a better grasp on why this is occurring, we must first look at the statistics of divorce in the Greater Dayton Area and Ohio in general.

In Montgomery County, according to the Ohio Department of Public Health, the 2010 divorce rate was 65.2 per 100 marriages. The 2009 rate was 60 per 100, and the 2008 was 53.5 per 100.

Comparing Montgomery County to the rest of Ohio in 2010, Montgomery County had a rate of nearly 10 marriages per 100 higher that ended in divorce. (Ohio’s 2010 rate was just over 50 per 100).

A recent divorce study found that nationwide, divorces often increase with the economy.  Meaning the better the economy the more divorces we see.  This is often associated with the expenses that a divorce can cost, illustrating that couples … Read More... “Divorce Rates on the Climb as the Economy Recovers”

Custody Issues: Post-Decree Modification in Ohio

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Several Things To Know If You File To Modify Your Post-Decree Custody Order

Hire A Qualified Family Law Attorney To Present And Argue Your Custody Case

Our guest contributor this week is Judianne Cochran a nationally recognized expert/consultant in the following disciplines: sex offender profiling; interstate and international parental abduction; interstate custody and parental alienation. She has testified in numerous Courts throughout Ohio and the country. Judi presently resides in Columbus, Ohio.

custody post-decreeThere are several issues that you need to address if you have decided that you need to modify your original custody order.  The first is whether your case meets the necessary criteria for modification – the primary of which is a “change of circumstance”.  One thing you must understand is that this does NOT include the myth that at a certain age the child can make a choice – this is not supported by law. A child’s wishes may be considered but are not valid grounds to modify a custody order.  For the child to have any voice in the issue, you will probably have to have a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) appointed to assess … Read More... “Custody Issues: Post-Decree Modification in Ohio”

Adoption in Ohio: Sweeping Changes May be on the Horizon

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Proposed Changes To Ohio Adoption Laws Will Erode Putative Fathers’ Rights

Reduction In Contest Time To Favor Adoption Parents In The State Of Ohio

adoption ohio putative fathersOn January 29, 2014, the Ohio House of Representatives passed Substitute HB 307, the “Adoption Reform Bill” or, as dubbed by some, the “Make Adoption Cheap and Fast Bill.”  Ohio Right to Life groups advocated and lobbied for the Bill’s passage.  The Bill was proposed and passed in the general assembly with seventy seven (77) affirmative votes and only fourteen (14) negative votes.

Why is HB 307 important?

HB 307 is very important due to the significant time changes it imposes on putative fathers, the tax benefits it provides for adoptive families, and the clarifications it makes to previous legislation.  Many family-law practitioners are expressing concerns that the steep reduction in putative fathers’ rights further erodes the already declining rights of putative fathers in Ohio.  To be clear, a “putative father” is one believed to be the father of a child born out of wedlock (without benefit of marriage), unless proved otherwise.

What does HB 307 propose for putative fathers?

HB 307 … Read More... “Adoption in Ohio: Sweeping Changes May be on the Horizon”

Divorce Matters in Ohio: Limited Representation

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Hire A Divorce Attorney Or Save Money With Limited Representation?

divorce limited representationWhen married couples decide on a divorce, a number of things can happen.  When one party decides to file for the divorce, they can either attempt the divorce pro se (without a lawyer) or hire an attorney. There is another option.

The middle ground occurs when firms and divorce attorneys offer “unbundled legal services.”  This is also called “limited scope representation” and occurs when a divorce attorney or firm reviews or creates the documents, and informs the pro se filer when and where to file, but does not offer any other legal advice.   Essentially sending you on your way with a “complete” divorce packet.

After the documents are prepared, the divorce can continue without attorney representation.

Limited representation arrangements are relatively new in Ohio.  While designed to help consumers with “low cost” representation options in simple divorces cases, they can also create a quagmire between the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct and a lawyer’s duty to represent their client to their fullest ability.  According to the ORPC 1.2, an attorney and client may limit the scope … Read More... “Divorce Matters in Ohio: Limited Representation”

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