Interim Attorney Fees: Filing For The Financially Disadvantaged

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How to Request Interim Attorney Fees in Divorce Cases in Montgomery County, Ohio

interim attorney feesIf you are a family law attorney practicing in Montgomery County, Ohio, you must be familiar with Local Rule 4.14(B) which reflects the following language:

“Upon the Court’s own motion or motion of either party, interim attorney fees may be awarded without an oral hearing to allow an economically disadvantaged party to be adequately represented, or to adequately represent the interests of a minor child.  The Court may award such reasonable interim attorney fees as the Court deems necessary and upon such terms as are equitable.  In matters pending before a Magistrate, the Magistrate may determine an interim fee request under the procedures provided for Magistrate Orders.”

The language of the rule raises several questions:

  1. What are interim attorney fees?

    “Interim attorney fees” are fees that could be awarded for the time between the filing of a Complaint for Divorce and the Final Divorce Hearing.  These interim attorney fees are requested so that both parties in the divorce proceeding have adequate monies to have their interests represented before the Court.

  2. Who is the “economically
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Military Members Must Take Actions Prior to Deployment to Protect Their Rights with Their Children

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Important Steps To Be Considered For Active Duty Military Parents Facing Custody Issues

This is the second of a two-part article. Click here to read the first part discussing other important steps to be considered by military members before deployment.

militaryMilitary service in itself creates the need for maintaining a status quo in regards to jurisdiction.  The words “Home of Record” should be the key starting point in any custody order involving military families.  During the course of a military career there will be many “current”, or temporary, addresses due to changes in assignment.  It is therefore important that an initial custody order specifies that the jurisdiction will be permanently retained in the “Home of Record” where the action was first heard, unless both parties consent to a different venue.

While as a general rule, the UCCJEA provides that jurisdiction “follow the child” under the “Convenient Forum” section, military duty should be considered an exception, especially when the transience of the residential parent is in direct violation of the custody order.   Too often the residential parent simply moves the child to a new jurisdiction without required notice … Read More... “Military Members Must Take Actions Prior to Deployment to Protect Their Rights with Their Children”

Divorce Study: Are Your Siblings Saving Your Marriage?

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Divorce Rates Lowered By Number Of Siblings In Family Says Study

divorceA new study co-authored by Ohio State’s Doug Downey seems to indicate that growing up with more siblings can reduce your chance of divorce later in life.

The study conducted involved analyzing data collected by the “General Social Survey.”  This data was compiled from 1972 to 2012 and was compiled of over 57 thousand adults.  The resulting analysis led to a conclusive theory that each sibling you have can reduce your chances of divorce later in life by up to 2% each from sibling 3 to 7.

Downey, commenting on the analysis, stated that, “When you compare children from large families to those with only one child, there is a meaningful gap in the probability of divorce.”

The other co-author of the study, Donna Bobbitt-Zeher, Ph.D., discussed the findings in a different light.  Dr. Bobbitt-Zeher stated that the results weren’t only in having different relationships between siblings, but how the families changed their mind-set when another sibling was added.   Insofar as the personal relationship aspect, Downey stated that:

  • “Growing up in a family with siblings,
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Dating in Midlife: Do You Need Your Children’s Approval?

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dating in midlifeThe doorbell rings as you adjust your make-up one more time and pray that you won’t trip in your new platform sandals. You shake your head and think, “I haven’t dated in decades. What am I doing?” You take a deep breath and open the door to your date.

There is more than a 50% chance that American adults will find themselves dating in midlife. Statistics tell us that the happily ever after marriage is not always forever. Many will face divorce and some find themselves widowed. These folks grieve, they heal and then many say, “Now what?”. They enjoyed being part of a couple and find (sometimes to their own surprise) they want to do it all again.

Dating after marriage feels far more complicated. Aside from a myriad of emotional and practical issues you deal with as you consider entering the dating world, there are the issues facing your children.

Allowing your children time to adjust to the divorce/death before bringing a new person into their lives is important regardless of how old they are. While you may be thrilled that your grieving period … Read More... “Dating in Midlife: Do You Need Your Children’s Approval?”

Extracurricular Activities Can Benefit Kids!

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Study Reveals Children Who Participate In Extracurricular Activities Are Less Likely To Dropout Than Students Who Did Not Participate

extracurricular activitiesExtracurricular activities can have a significant impact on your child starting at an early age. Not only can these activities increase their capacity to advance academically, but they can create a healthy, confident young individual.  Recent studies have looked into how children react when they’re put into extracurricular activities.  You may find yourself believing that your child has no interest in extracurricular activities, but there are numerous activities your child could get involved in, including sports, music, book clubs, religious groups, game groups (board games and such), study groups, and countless others.

Study Results On Extracurricular Activities

In 1995, Ralph McNeal conducted a dropout percentage study to attempt to find coinciding evidence of children participating in extracurricular activities and a reduction in their dropout rates.   His findings were significant.  McNeal concluded that children who participate in athletics are 40 percent less likely to drop out than children who did not participate in extracurricular activities. He also concluded that a person who participates in any type of … Read More... “Extracurricular Activities Can Benefit Kids!”

Military Parents Face Unique Homecoming Battles

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Upon Return, Military Parent Finds An Empty House and Their Child Abducted. What Happened To The Happy Reunion?

militaryIn the last few years we have all watched the televised homecomings of military personnel returning from tours of duty to see their loved ones, more often than not children overjoyed to be in the arms of fathers and mothers once again.  But what do we see of the not-too-happy homecomings where the returning parent’s outstretched arms are left empty and cold?  This is the picture which should be burned into our minds each time we see a happy reunion.  For each of those joyous televised feel-good sound bites there is a parent who will step into a battle more heartbreaking than the battlefield they have just left, more grievous than any physical injury they may have sustained along the way.

That battle will take place in a family courtroom somewhere “back home”, hopefully in their HOR, Home of Record as recorded in the military file, but increasingly in jurisdictions where the returning soldier or sailor has never been.  Why?  Because the parent remaining at home with the children … Read More... “Military Parents Face Unique Homecoming Battles”

Domestic Violence Specialist in Greene County, Ohio – Role And Function

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Sheri Hall, A Domestic Violence Specialist, Reveals How The Position Functions In Greene County, Ohio, Domestic Relations Court

Domestic Violence SpecialistOur law firm represents clients in the greater Dayton, Ohio geographical area and we routinely accept cases in the counties of Montgomery, Greene, Warren, Clark, Preble and Miami.  On a recent afternoon in August 2013, I spent time at the Domestic Relations Court of Greene County, Ohio to interview their Domestic Violence Specialist, Sheri Hall.  This Family Law Blog article is intended to provide information to our readers relative to the roles and functions of this Court employee.

Sheri Hall was hired by the Greene County Domestic Relations Court in 2001 while Judge Judson Shattuck was the Judge of that Court.  He hired her away from the Family Violence Prevention Center where she served as an Advocate/Admissions Employee.  She emphasized to me that while she served as an “advocate” for her former employer, she is to serve an objective role in her present position of employment.

To prepare Sheri for this position with the Court, she obtained a degree in Sociology with a minor in Psychology from Ohio … Read More... “Domestic Violence Specialist in Greene County, Ohio – Role And Function”

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