Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatments Effective?

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A New Study Suggests that Psychological Therapies Improve Life for Children with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

post-traumatic stress disorderPost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is highly prevalent in children and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events such as child abuse, violence, road accidents or natural disasters. In children, post-traumatic stress disorder can lead to delayed development and behavioral problems. More generally, it is associated with anxiety, depression and suicidal tendencies. The aim of this review was to examine the effectiveness of all psychological therapies for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents.

In this first systematic review of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in young people age three to eighteen, researchers found that children diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder showed signs of improvement up to three months following treatment.  The psychological therapies used in the review were cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure-based, psychodynamic, narrative, supportive counseling, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

However, no systematic review analyzing the potential benefits of these therapies has been undertaken until now. This review published in The Cochrane Library focused on 14 studies that together involved 758 children aged 3-18 suffering from post-traumatic Read More... “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatments Effective?”

Tax: Effects of the “Fiscal Cliff” Legislation

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Compromise Reached, But How Does It Effect Tax Planning For 2013?


In December, 2012, we addressed the looming “fiscal cliff” tax ramifications and potential last-minute tax planning.  With legislation finally passed in late December, in order to prevent widespread tax increases and steep spending cuts, it is a good time to look at the highlights of the legislation and how it affects taxpayers.

  1. Income tax rates.  A compromise was reached on income tax rates.  Although neither side attained its goals, tax cuts were extended on incomes up to $400,000 for individuals and $450,000 for couples.  Earnings above that are taxed at 39.6%, up from 35%.  Many liberals and conservatives were unhappy with this compromise that extends the tax cuts for most taxpayers.  Unless new legislation is passed, this extension is permanent.
  2. Estate taxes.  The federal estate tax exemption remains at $5 million (adjusted for inflation) and up to $10 million for family estates.  Without legislation, the exemption was set to return to $1 million for 2013.  The top estate tax rate is set at 40%, up from 35%.  This change is permanent.
  3. Capital gains and dividends.  Capital
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Marriage: Don’t Ignore the Legal Requirements Before Getting Married, Plan Ahead!

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Requirements Can Be Different In Each State For Obtaining A Marriage License

marriageAs I have done in the past, I am utilizing the experience of a family member, my son, as the basis for this family law blog article. He and Renae have been engaged for less than a year and they decided that they would like to “tie the knot” on New Year’s Eve 2012. Unfortunately, they had not looked into the marriage laws of Illinois (where they live) or of Ohio (where both used to live and where their families live) to determine the requirements for obtaining a marriage license.

On December 31, 2012, my son went to the Probate Court of Boone County, Illinois to obtain a marriage license. The Court was not open due to their holiday schedule so obtaining a license that day was impossible. Even if the Court had been open, the State of Illinois has a one (1) day waiting period between obtaining a marriage license and the date the ceremony can be performed. So, even if he had been able to obtain a marriage license that day, the marriage … Read More... “Marriage: Don’t Ignore the Legal Requirements Before Getting Married, Plan Ahead!”

Twelve Step Programs – Debunking the Myths

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Exposing The Eight Most Common Arguments For Not Attending Twelve Step Programs

Twelve Step ProgramsAs an alcohol and drug abuse counselor, I work with many people who are struggling with addiction or substance abuse. Whether you are the one struggling or you have a loved one who is battling the disease, I always recommend a Twelve Step Program. Unfortunately, I am almost always met with resistance. Much of that resistance comes from misconceptions about what Twelve Step Programs are all about, so I will address some of the biggest myths here. These are the eight most common arguments I hear for not attending Twelve Step meetings. (For brevity and clarity, I am using the terms alcoholic and addict interchangeably. When I use the terms “alcohol” or “drugs”, you can substitute any addiction- including gambling. pornography, prescription or illicit drugs.)

  1. Twelve Step Programs are a cult or religion. I know this because they all meet in churches and are very secretive.

    False. Twelve Step Programs meet in other places besides churches. They look for inexpensive or free space to hold their meetings. They have no religious affiliation. There is no

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Texting While Driving Ban Now in Effect in Ohio

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New Ohio Texting Law Focuses On Minors Under The Age Of 18

textingThe new Ohio texting ban went into effect on January 1, 2013. No longer are police just issuing warning tickets as they had been doing since September 2012.  After reviewing H.B 99 it’s fairly evident that the law primarily focuses on minors under the age of 18.

Strict Enforcement for Minors:

The new law makes texting, emailing, talking on your phone through any method, using computer, laptop, tablet, playing video games, or using a non-hands free GPS while driving a primary offense.  A “primary offense” means that any of the above acts can trigger a traffic stop and ticket.  This gives great authority to police officers executing this portion of the law.  Merely witnessing a minor with an electronic device in a vehicle is almost immediate grounds for a traffic stop. If you are a minor, you had better put your phone away while diving!

The penalties that result from one of these violations are very steep for minors.  For a first offense, minors face a 60-day license suspension, and a $150 fine.  Each … Read More... “Texting While Driving Ban Now in Effect in Ohio”

Divorce: 25 Details Often Overlooked in Negotiations!

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Two Founding Members Of The International Academy of Attorneys for Divorce over 50 Compile Their List!

divorceAttorney Mark Chinn of Jacksonville, Mississippi, caught my attention with a divorce post to his family law blog about some items that are frequently forgotten in many divorce agreements. Mark is the author of three American Bar Association books about family law issues and is a frequent writer and lecturer in the field of family law. In addition to these accomplishments, we are both founding members of the International Academy of Attorneys for Divorce over 50, established in 2010.

The first eleven in the divorce list were Mark’s, the rest were some that I have added.

  1. Garage door openers
  2. Gate remote controls
  3. Extra keys to car and house
  4. Security codes
  5. Hotel credit card and airline points
  6. Utility and other deposits
  7. Tax and insurance escrows
  8. Car tag credits
  9. Overdrafts on joint checking accounts
  10. Dates to carry through insurance coverages
  11. Attorney’s fees paid with joint funds
  12. Real estate escrow account refunds
  13. Important days not addressed in the Court’s Parenting  Time Order
  14. Season ticket rights
  15. Country club membership and club access
  16. Storage unit
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Parenting Time and Child Support In Ohio, The New Initiative

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New Parenting Time and Child Support Project in Ohio To Increase Time A Child Spends With Both Parents, Even If They Are Divorced or Separated

parenting timeI have been practicing family law for 34 years. In my opinion the process by which the State of Ohio has gone about establishing child support orders in Juvenile Court without including any parenting or visitation provisions was patently unfair to fathers. I appreciate that taxpayers shouldn’t have to shoulder the burdens of paying welfare or other assistance for children when it is the joint legal responsibility for their mothers and fathers to do so. But is it fair to establish a child support obligation and not include any reciprocal provision for the fathers to have the right to visit their child(ren)? It is no wonder that there are so many uninvolved fathers out there. Psychologists will tell you that a child who has had both parents involved in his/her upbringing stands a much better chance to become a stable healthy adult. That is why I am very excited about this new, long overdue Ohio project!

Ohio’s New PTOC12 Project

This new … Read More... “Parenting Time and Child Support In Ohio, The New Initiative”

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