Your Thanksgiving Doesn’t have to be a Turkey!

tur1.jpgKaren Armstrong, a human development extension agent with North Dakota State University, posted an excellent Thanksgiving piece two years ago. Her suggestions and insights bear repeating. Plus, I liked her Thanksgiving Quiz!  She was kind enough to allow me to republish it.

The holiday season can be stressful enough on its own. Families who have changed the make up of their household because of divorce or marriage since last year have some new challenges. If this describes your family, watch your children for signs of stress this season. Often times the shopping and decorating is too much for them. Encourage your children to talk about what they are feeling and keep those lines of communication open so they can approach you when they need to.

Because of the holidays, you may feel that you and your children are supposed to be happy, but allow time to deal with the adjustments. For example, it’s normal and healthy for children to miss the other parent; acknowledge their feelings and let them know it’s okay.

Financial strains become a reality to most families during this time. Communicate with your children’s other parent about the gifts that will be purchased. Consider agreeing on a Read More... “Your Thanksgiving Doesn’t have to be a Turkey!”

10 Tips To Cut Your Attorney Fees

timesave.jpgI would like to share some constructive fee-cutting suggestions for you to consider implementing after you have done your “due diligence” in selecting the right attorney for you and your issues. Many of the cases I have handled over the last 30 years are family law matters which are engagements typically based upon the number of hours spent in the representation.  The amount of time to complete these cases varies based upon many factors, including the nature of the issues, contentiousness of the parties, and the cooperation level existing between both counsel.  Recently, I have been asked by several clients what they can do to help reduce their attorney fees. Certainly, this is an excellent question especially with money being so tight and all of us having to deal with our poor economy.  Each attorney would no doubt answer this question differently.  So, be sure to ask your attorney about his or her own particular preferences.  Here are some of my simple tips to reduce your attorney fees:

  1. Use email instead of the phone.  Email communications are an excellent way to keep your attorney advised as to ongoing developments.  But, realize that many attorneys receive hundreds of emails in a
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Virtual Visitation: Part 1 – Utilizing Technology to Supplement Parenting Time

In the first of a two part series, Attorney Robert Mues examines Virtual Visitation and the different options a divorced parent can use to communicate with their children. Part 1 – Utilizing Technology to Supplement Parenting Time.

visit1.jpgNot too long ago, divorced parents had limited communication options to stay in touch with their children.  The old rushed and often dry “phone call approach” was better than nothing but had drawbacks.  There were long distance phone charges and issues with time zones.  New communication options have improved considerably! It is much easier for you to keep in touch with your children after a divorce.  Most of these approaches require both parents to have a computer with broadband connections.  Here are some options to supplement traditional face to face parenting time:

Cell Phones: Many companies are selling cell phones designed specifically for kids which feature built in parental controls to restrict incoming and outgoing calls or text messages.  Check out firefly mobile, LG Migo from Verizon Wireless and Kajeet (), which also includes a GPS phone locator service allowing a parent to find out where the phone is at various times of the day.

Email: Email features have expanded so it’s easy … Read More... “Virtual Visitation: Part 1 – Utilizing Technology to Supplement Parenting Time”

Is Money Really the Root of all Evil?

Aaron Hill is a third year student at the University of Dayton School of Law, externing at Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues.

moneyroot.jpgHave you discussed with your significant other how the household finances will be managed? This is an often overlooked question that newlyweds fail to discuss. Among other reasons, “money problems” are cited as one of the leading reasons for divorce. It is, therefore, paramount for couples to share a similar outlook on money matters before they get married.

Communication and Compromise are the Key

Communication and compromise are the keys to any successful relationship. Couples who discuss what their financial goals and responsibilities are before they get married are starting their marriage on the right foot. It is crucial for the couples to sit down and communicate both long and short term goals. Short term goals include who is going to be responsible for paying the bills, handling the investments, or whether to establish joint banking accounts. Long term goals can include having children and how many, when to retire, and what kind of lifestyle to lead. When couples communicate these long and short term goals, their relationship is much more likely to succeed. When couples do not … Read More... “Is Money Really the Root of all Evil?”

How to Select a Divorce Lawyer – Six Keys to Finding the Right Attorney for a Divorce

man browsing books to find the right divorce attorneyFinding the right attorney for a divorce is an extremely important and personal decision. Take the time to properly pick your attorney. The outcome of your family law case will impact your future dramatically!  Here are six keys to finding the right representation:


Most attorneys these days have narrowed their practice to one or a few areas of the law. Divorce law is a very specialized field therefore it is important to find a lawyer that concentrates his or her practice in the particular area of law that you need – whether it’s divorce, child custody, domestic violence or another family law category. An experienced divorce lawyer will understand the philosophies and tendencies of the judges in the various jurisdictions. That knowledge is extremely valuable and should be used to your benefit.

Past Client References

An extremely valuable way to gain insight about a particular attorney is to find out what former clients say about the lawyer. Ask family, friends, church members or co-workers if they know of a good family law attorney. Also, most lawyers can give you references of former clients who have agreed to serve as a reference for the lawyer.

Professionalism, Reputation and Integrity

Some … Read More... “How to Select a Divorce Lawyer – Six Keys to Finding the Right Attorney for a Divorce”