FOMO: Does it Impact Decisions to File for Divorce?

The Role FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Plays Out In Daily and Family Life

FOMO divorceTechnology has created a glut of new words and expressions. It also has “repurposed” old words; a mouse is no longer just a rodent in my basement. A crash is not a vehicular accident, a chip is not just used for scooping up onion dip and a pad is not just a monthly required feminine product.

Electronic communication has also introduced us to a wave of new acronyms. LOL, ROFL, OMG, BRB were sprinkled through our e-mail and now are a standard in texting. Those initialisms (another new word I recently learned) have entered into our face to face conversations and are a part of our lexicon. Since I don’t Tweet, Snap, or Facebook, I admit I am lagging in current vocabulary updates.

Then an acquaintance confided she attends church weekly because she has FOMO. For those of you who are, like me, lagging in social media jargon, I will decode. FOMO refers to “Fear of Missing Out”. It is used most frequently by teenagers posting on social media in response to social events. For example, “I am going to Shania’s party even if I … Read More... “FOMO: Does it Impact Decisions to File for Divorce?”

Divorce on Your New Year’s Resolution List?

If a Divorce is on Your New Year’s Resolution List, Consider this First…

Seven Tips for Dealing with Family Issues During the Holidays from Texas Divorce Attorney Richard C. Price

divorce tips resolutionI was pondering a list of various topics for this blog article. I wanted to publish a strong blog article to start 2015. I started a couple and even finished one that wasn’t honestly that memorable. So I decided to hold that one in the “bank” for another less important time of the year. The start of any new year is an obvious time for reflection and to take an inventory of our blessings and shortcomings.

To start the year, I wanted to post an article encouraging people experiencing marital problems to take certain steps before going the divorce route.  I drilled into the extensive archive of blog articles written by my colleague and acclaimed Texas lawyer, Dick Price, for inspiration. Success! I found the article below which he has graciously granted permission for me to repost from his Divorce and Family Law in Tarrant County, Texas, blog at  It was originally posted on January 2, 2008. While initially geared towards divorced or separated families, his tips are equally … Read More... “Divorce on Your New Year’s Resolution List?”

Divorce Assets In Ohio – Survivorship Benefits For Spouse

What Happens in Ohio if a Divorcee Dies Before Transferring Property or Assets as Divorce Court Ordered?

How Assets are to be Divided After the Passing of a Spouse During the Divorce Decree

divorce assets ohioThe question was recently  posed to me as to what happens if, after a valid and enforceable Decree of Divorce, Dissolution or Legal Separation is filed, one of the spouses or ex-spouses dies before the division of assets can be fully completed.  Does the ex-spouse or spouse still retain an interest in an asset that has been released by the Court Order?  Two possible scenarios may arise, and each will be addressed separately.

Husband Passes First:

Let’s address the situation when the husband passes first.  What about those assets in which wife released or no longer had any interest, yet she remains either a beneficiary or a joint survivorship owner when husband dies?  By operation of law, you would think that those assets would pass to her regardless of the Court Decree, but a quick look to Ohio statutory law helps answer this question.  With respect to joint and survivorship real property, Ohio Revised Code specifically states that if a husband and wife own real estate  … Read More... “Divorce Assets In Ohio – Survivorship Benefits For Spouse”

Military Divorce Rate Climbs – Are Multiple Deployments at Fault?

Recent Study Reveals Increased Length In Deployments Will Increase The Risk Of Military Divorce

military divorce ohioA recent study conducted by the RAND Corporation with the Department of Defense sponsorship found that increased length in deployments will increase the risk of divorce.  The study goes into detail regarding marriages originating prior to and after the September 11, 2001, attacks.  The study found that couples who married prior to the attacks and had one of the spouses deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan were over 20% more likely to divorce than couples who married after the September 11 attacks.  The researchers conducting this study believed that this was likely due to the fact that couples who married after the attacks were better equipped to deal with the challenges of war.

Another study conducted in 2011 found that military divorce rates overall had an uptick from what they had been in the past.  This study found that from 2000-2011 the enlisted military divorce rate increased drastically from 2.9% to 4.2%, edging out the civilian rate of divorce.  A San Diego divorce attorney opined that the increased rate is caused most likely by the low age of most military members and the lack of emotional … Read More... “Military Divorce Rate Climbs – Are Multiple Deployments at Fault?”

Divorce: Addressing High Conflict Cases – Tips and Strategies

High Conflict Divorce Tied With High Conflict Personalities According To Therapists

divorceOn March 24th, 2014, I traveled from Dayton, Ohio to Mason, Ohio to interview Brenda Patton, Therapist, Parenting Coordinator, and Mediator for The Counseling and Cooperative Parenting Center of Ohio, LLC, also known as “CCPC – Ohio”.  Initially, I was interested in interviewing a spokesperson of this Parenting Center as they were a “private” entity providing supervised visitation or supervised parenting time for families in Montgomery, Warren, and Hamilton Counties. When I learned that the service of supervised visitation had been discontinued in July 2013, I explored other topics of interest. When Ms. Patton advised me that the Center was interested in working with “high conflict” divorce matters, my interest was piqued.

What is a “high conflict” divorce matter?  Ms. Patton defined it as being cases that have a “revolving door” relationship with the Domestic Relations Courts. They are the cases that are never resolved or settled.  Months and/or years after divorce has been finalized, the parties are still returning to Court to resolve unsettled issues relating to support, visitation, selection of schools, selection of treating physicians, payment of medical expenses, payment of extracurricular expenses, etc. These cases often … Read More... “Divorce: Addressing High Conflict Cases – Tips and Strategies”

Divorce Rates on the Climb as the Economy Recovers

Recent Spike In Divorce Rates Tied To Economy Study Suggests

divorceInterestingly, while the total number of new cases filed in Ohio in 2012 hit a 10-year low, the same cannot be said about divorce actions.  Ohio has seen a recent spike in divorce after a steady decline for the past decade.  To get a better grasp on why this is occurring, we must first look at the statistics of divorce in the Greater Dayton Area and Ohio in general.

In Montgomery County, according to the Ohio Department of Public Health, the 2010 divorce rate was 65.2 per 100 marriages. The 2009 rate was 60 per 100, and the 2008 was 53.5 per 100.

Comparing Montgomery County to the rest of Ohio in 2010, Montgomery County had a rate of nearly 10 marriages per 100 higher that ended in divorce. (Ohio’s 2010 rate was just over 50 per 100).

A recent divorce study found that nationwide, divorces often increase with the economy.  Meaning the better the economy the more divorces we see.  This is often associated with the expenses that a divorce can cost, illustrating that couples often hold on through a rough financial time until they’re able to split.  … Read More... “Divorce Rates on the Climb as the Economy Recovers”

Divorce: Not a Do-It-Yourself Project

Tips On How To Move Ahead In Divorce

Help And Support From Professionals Key To Moving Forward In Divorce

divorceFrequently, people who are unhappy in their marriages wait until after the holiday season to move ahead with the dissolution of their marriage.  If you are one of those folks who have made this decision, you know it is not easy to make that first move.  Sometimes people struggle for years in unhappy relationships before they decide it is time to end the marriage.

How to move ahead?  Find a good lawyer and therapist.  They will be part of your team as you begin the arduous process of untangling your marriage.  These professionals will help and support you through the process – making sure that when your divorce is final, you are as secure as you can be – both emotionally and legally.

No doubt about it – divorce is a major life changing decision.  It is a stressful time – you, your spouse and your children will be impacted emotionally, financially, practically and legally.

So, it is surprising when so many couples decide to proceed with the legal uncoupling without legal counsel!  Here are some reasons people choose to represent … Read More... “Divorce: Not a Do-It-Yourself Project”

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