Can a Spouse Obtain a Civil Protection Order for Verbal Abuse?

The topic for this particular article concerns Ohio’s Domestic Violence Statute which is O.R.C. Section 3113.31.  In it “domestic violence” is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the following acts against a family or household member:

  • Attempting to cause or recklessly causing bodily injury.
  • Placing another person by threat of force in fear of imminent serious physical harm or committing a violation of section 2903.311 (menacing by stalking) or section 2911.211 (aggravated trespass) of the Ohio Revised Code.
  • Committing any act with respect to a child that would result in the child being an abused child, as defined in section 2151.031 of the Ohio Revised Code.
  • Committing a sexually oriented offense as defined in section 2950.01 of the Ohio Revised Code.

Some readers may be wondering, “what is a Civil Protection Order?”  A Civil Protection Order (CPO) is an Order that can be granted by a Court upon hearing a petition alleging domestic violence.  It is initiated in the Common Pleas Court usually in the Domestic Relations Division. This is the civil counterpart to a criminal Temporary Protection Order (TPO) which is often issued against a defendant charged with a crime such as domestic violence, menacing or … Read More... “Can a Spouse Obtain a Civil Protection Order for Verbal Abuse?”

Divorcing the Abuser

divab.jpgThe single most dangerous element in living with an abusive man is your denial of the problem. More women are killed by their domestic partners than by the hands of strangers. If your spouse has shown any of the signs or symptoms of being abusive, it is extremely important that you get help. Depending upon the situation, help comes in all forms from seeking counseling to calling the police. The way to find out what intervention is most appropriate for your situation is to call the women’s shelters in your area. Even if you do not need “shelter” in a physical sense, the shelters can provide you with invaluable information anonymously and for free! If you do not have a shelter in your area, chances are the closest big city will have one. All of the shelters have toll-free lines, so it doesn’t matter which one you call. All calls are kept anonymous for your safety. The caseworker at the shelter can assist you in figuring out what you need to do to be safe. Some women feel embarrassed to call the shelters; they believe they should be able to handle it themselves, or their problem is not as bad … Read More... “Divorcing the Abuser”

Custody Wars: My Lawyer Suggested that I Fabricate a Child Abuse Allegation!

Our guest contributor this week is Judianne Cochran a nationally recognized expert/consultant in the following disciplines: sex offender profiling; false allegations in custody cases; interstate and international parental abduction; interstate custody and parental alienation. She has testified in numerous Courts throughout Ohio and the country. Judi presently resides in Columbus, Ohio.

jc_abuse.jpgIn recent years there has been a steady and alarming increase in the use of false allegations of vague, unsupported claims of domestic violence and even vaguer claims of child abuse, used solely in an attempt to find a shortcut to a presumed better position in custody cases. What is more alarming is the observation that more often than not the attorneys of record for the litigants making these claims have been those unschooled in and relatively new to the family law arena, who have chosen to step outside their actual specialty and add a minor “division” of family law to their practices. Often, a new, young, unskilled associate is added to the practice to handle these family law issues.

Some of these practitioners use this mechanism so frequently that simply hearing the name of the attorney leads one to assume that automatically there will be a “smoke and … Read More... “Custody Wars: My Lawyer Suggested that I Fabricate a Child Abuse Allegation!”

What Is Parental Alienation And Parental Alienation Syndrome?

sep_pt1.jpgSubmitted by Robert L. Mues with legal research and assistance from Aaron Hill, an extern from the University of Dayton School of Law.

There are a number of different factors and circumstances that have an effect on the determination of custody in Ohio. According to O.R.C. §3109.04(F)(1), the court must consider all relevant factors when determining the best interest of the child. One of those relevant factors under Section 3109.04 (F)(1)(I) includes whether either parent has continuously and willfully denied the other parent’s right to parenting time or visitation as ordered by a court. While visitation denials may be relatively easy to prove in court, that alone doesn’t amount to parental alienation. Further, it is not uncommon for some amount of alienation to occur when parents first separate. Usually, the alienation subsides after the parents’ transition through the separation and move on with their lives. In some cases it doesn’t, and instead it continues and escalates to what has become referred to as “Parental Alienation Syndrome”. This disorder was first identified by Richard A. Gardner, a forensic psychiatrist, in the mid-1980s, and defines it as:

A disorder that arises primarily in the context of child-custody disputes. Its primary manifestation is
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Divorce’s Atomic Bomb: False Abuse Allegations

False allegations of domestic abuse are not just a phenomenon that routinely occur in the United States. Family law attorneys in Canada are similarly complaining about the unfairness and damage caused when a warring parent falsely accuses a spouse of abuse. Whether it is for revenge, to punish a spouse, or to attempt to gain an advantage in a custody proceeding, I see this occurring all too often in my practice. While domestic abuse should never be condoned, unfortunately there are seldom any recriminations for the false accuser.

According to Sarah Hampton of Toronto’s Globe and Mail, these common occurrences end up leaving many black eyes in its wake: for the accused, the justice system and especially the kids. She opines that the parent considering making a false allegation should give much more thought in advance about how it will detrimentally affect the children. The story, published on April 24, 2008, is an interesting read. Check it out.

Source: Divorce’s atomic bomb: false abuse allegations, Toronto Globe and Mail

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Domestic violence and some relevant statistics. What do they tell us?

Domestic Violence is defined as a pattern of behavior utilized to establish power and control over another person. It typically involves an escalating pattern of abuse where one party in an intimate relationship controls the other through intimidation, threats of violence or actual violence. The abusers frequently manage to virtually “brainwash” the victim into believing that it was his/her fault and the abuse or beating was deserved. According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, nearly twenty-five percent (25%) of American women report being raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, co-habitating partner, or a date at some time in their lives. Forty percent (40%) of adult Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused in the past year by a male. In 2006, Ohio Law Enforcement Agencies responded to 71,946 domestic dispute calls (Ohio Attorney General’s Criminal Indemnification 2006 Statistics). Of those calls to the police, 34,021 were categorized as domestic violence incidents. Ohio’s statistics for the year of 2006, show that sixty-five percent (65%) of the alleged offenders were Caucasian; seventy-seven percent (77%) were men; and sixty-seven percent (67%) of the offenders were between the ages of 18 and 40. Sixty … Read More... “Domestic violence and some relevant statistics. What do they tell us?”

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