Did Your Ex-Spouse Take the Easter Baskets? Resurrection After the Crucifixion of Divorceā€¦

easter divorce jesus christ


I was searching through all my past blog articles looking for ones that I had written about divorced folks and the Easter holiday. I had forgotten about this one. I originally posted it on April 11, 2009. Actually, it was probably my most meaningful one. I reread it and made a few slight revisions, but my advice 14 years ago was right-on-point! Please spend some time and reflect on ways that you can move forward positively and “resurrect” your life. your family, co-workers and friends will welcome the “new you”, but most importantly, do it for yourself – you deserve it!

Feeling Paralyzed After Divorce? Let Easter be your Resurrection of Life

easter divorce jesus christHolidays for those that have become divorced can be very difficult times. Easter is no exception. Have old memories of good times and happiness morphed into feelings of anger, regret and pain? We all know that Easter, in its most religious meaning, is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some European countries stop the daily ringing of the church bell on Thursday in memoriam of the death of Jesus Christ. The daily tradition begins once again the early morning hours of Easter … Read More... “Did Your Ex-Spouse Take the Easter Baskets? Resurrection After the Crucifixion of Divorceā€¦”