How Does a Trial Separation Work?

trial separation legal separations counseling experienced divorce lawyer

Trial Separation In Ohio Explained. Seek Experienced Divorce Lawyer For Input And Counseling Tips

trial separation legal separations counseling experienced divorce lawyerSeveral weeks ago, I explained the characteristics of what a legal separation is in Ohio. Click here to read that post. Today, I will share some of my thoughts about a “trial separation” – which is an informal agreement for 2 people to live apart. Essentially, it is an experiment in living apart. During this time the parties of course remain married, but live apart. A party may move back home, in with a friend, or rent an apartment.

This arrangement is typically done for one or both parties to have space apart to evaluate their feelings towards each other, their long term goals and overall compatibility. In addition, many parties may choose to separate before filing for a legal separation or a divorce. Some parties agree up front to a time period for the separation, while others don’t. I have seen trial separations that last from hours to ones that last for years.

Can Trial Separations Involve A Court Order?

Trial separations typically do not involve a Court Order. A written separation agreement is not mandated under Ohio law but having one may be smart. … Read More... “How Does a Trial Separation Work?”

I’ve Been Served with a Divorce, Do I Really Need to Talk With A Lawyer?

experienced divorce lawyer

Schedule An Appointment With An Experienced Divorce Lawyer

Avoid “Getting The Shaft”, Talk To An Experienced Divorce Lawyer!

experienced divorce lawyer ohio

Like most veteran divorce lawyers, I have seen lots of situations where a party ignores a summons and complaint for divorce, to his/her peril. The excuses I frequently hear are:

  1. I’m too busy;
  2. We have only been married for just a short time;
  3. My spouse will treat me fairly;
  4. I don’t need to spend money for a lawyer
  5. I am too depressed to deal with it, and if I ignore it, I can fight it later if necessary; or
  6. My spouse will get everything anyway since I have been a lousy spouse.

Truthfully, all of these “excuses” are poor ones. Scheduling an appointment with an experienced divorce lawyer is not an expensive pro-active investment. Some lawyers even offer a free initial conference.

What will happen if you simply ignore the divorce filing?

  1. The case will be set for a non-contested default hearing;
  2. Your spouse (and his/her divorce lawyer) will submit a Final Decree of Divorce for the Court’s approval;
  3. There will be little inquiry by the Judge if the facts are correct or the orders are fair or equitable;
  4. No
Read More... “I’ve Been Served with a Divorce, Do I Really Need to Talk With A Lawyer?”