How Injury Claims Are Treated In Divorce Court

per_injcheck.jpgIn early April, I received a phone call from Attorney Brian Wilson, a principal in the Canton personal injury law firm of Nicodemo & Wilson.  He and I have teamed up on a few prior projects, and he has contributed to the Oho Family Law Blog in the past.  After catching up a bit on the joys of blogging and our respective lives, he asked if I might consider writing an article as a guest blogger on their Bull’s-Eye Blog about how personal injury settlements are treated by divorce courts.  Of course, I was only too happy to accommodate Brian.  His blog is superb and one that I read several times a week.  Check it out by clicking here.  The article I wrote was posted on May 3, 2010.  Thanks, Brian! Here it is starting with Brian’s introduction:

Occasionally, we have guest bloggers write on topics of interest that cross over into Ohio personal injury issues. Our guest blogger is Robert L. Mues, an outstanding Dayton, Ohio, family law attorney. I found his interesting and informative blog and website while searching the Net for…interesting and informative blogs and websites! His blog is a must read for folks dealing with Read More... “How Injury Claims Are Treated In Divorce Court”

AlcohoIism And Chemical Dependency: Special Dilemmas In Family Law Cases

drug_al.jpgAlcoholism is defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary as “the habitual drinking of alcoholic liquor, or as a resulting diseased condition”. It is also defined as a chronic and progressive illness characterized by physiological and psychological dependency upon the ingestion of alcohol; a loss of control over drinking, including when, and in what form, how much, and why; and interference with normal functioning in one or all such areas such as family, work, friendship, and community activity.

Chemical Dependency can be defined as alcoholism is above…..but it is a chronic and progressive illness characterized by a physical and psychological dependency upon the ingestion of legal or illegal mood altering drugs; a loss of control over the ingestion of the drugs, including when, and in what form, how much, and why; and interference with normal functioning in one or all such areas such as family, work, friendship, and community activity.

Are families in domestic relations matters impacted by these diseases?

Absolutely. I practiced mental health/chemical dependency nursing for a number of years before entering law school, so I am very attuned to alcohol/chemical dependency issues. While I have not conducted any research over the past twenty-two (22) years of my legal … Read More... “AlcohoIism And Chemical Dependency: Special Dilemmas In Family Law Cases”

Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children

adult_child.jpgIt’s a misconception that when parents divorce it doesn’t affect adult children. It is important to remember that our children may be adults (and even may have experienced divorce themselves), but they are still children of both parents. In going through divorce, many parents “lean” on their children, making them into confidantes and, sometimes, surrogate spouses. Children, even adult children, are uncomfortable with details of their parents’ personal life. Confiding to a child about a parent’s indiscretions puts the child in a no-win situation. Many of the adult children I have spoken with say that they are shocked and angry by their parents’ behavior. But as the child, they continue to want the relationship. Giving adult children inappropriate information puts them in a quandary – how to have a relationship with a parent who may have behaved terribly in marriage without feeling disloyal to the other parent? Children are entitled to have a relationship with each parent that is not based on that parent’s performance as a spouse.

Adult children are also affected by divorce in practical ways. Dividing visiting time between the two parents, possibly even grandparents, is a huge problem. The pressure of being “fair and equal” becomes … Read More... “Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children”

Who Gets the Disposable Paper Bed Sheets?

dbed.jpgI vividly remember litigating a very contentious divorce case back in the early 1980’s.  The Magistrate who heard the dispute still occasionally pokes fun at me about the case! Husband and Wife wanted to argue and fight over the division of a voluminous list of household goods acquired during the marriage, most having little or no value.  Since then, when I was a young lawyer, I believe I have now been able to gain some valuable insight on litigation of this nature.

Typically, Judges and Magistrates do not want to litigate these type of disputes, partly due to the dollars in controversy, but more often because of the irrational positions and fervor of the contestants.  Now, understand that I am referring to replaceable used household goods, furniture and other sundry items acquired during the marriage, not valuable jewelry, guns or coin collections, separate premarital property or items with sentimental value.

Going to Court and actually litigating virtually any family law issue these days is both a time consuming and an expensive process.  Common sense and logic support making all reasonable efforts to narrow the contested issues in a divorce case to the most significant ones, such as parenting time, custody, … Read More... “Who Gets the Disposable Paper Bed Sheets?”

The Nuts and Bolts of Real Estate “Short Sales”

foreclose.jpgRecent estimates indicate that possibly more than twenty-five percent of all homeowners are upside-down on their home mortgages, meaning that they owe more on their home loan or loans than the fair market value of the residence.  This makes it virtually impossible to sell at a private sale.  When a couple goes through a divorce or dissolution and needs to divide the assets including such a home, what are they to do?  One answer is to walk away from the house, which will lead to foreclosure litigation and a crippled credit rating.  Another possible answer is to complete a “short sale”.

A “short sale” is when a lender agrees to the sale of a property by the owner for less than the amount owed to the lender.  It means that the lender is willing to accept less than the amount owed.  Except for those lenders who are participants in the Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (HAFA), the lender may or may not pursue the difference against the borrower.  If the lender does forgive the difference, it likely will not be considered as income by the IRS as long as it complies under the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007(which … Read More... “The Nuts and Bolts of Real Estate “Short Sales””

In Camera Interviews of Children in Divorce Court

camerain.jpgWhat is an in camera interview? The phrase “in camera” is a Latin term defined in Black’s Law Dictionary as: “In chambers; in private.”  The interview does not involve a camera or a videotape at all!  If a party is asking for the Court to have an in camera interview of a minor child, the request is for the Judge or Magistrate to interview the minor child privately with neither parent or his/her attorney being present.  An Appellate Court in Michigan said it very well years ago . . .

“A child custody determination is much more difficult and subtle than an arithmetical computation of factors.  It is one of the most demanding undertakings of a trial judge, one in which he must not only listen to what is said to him and observe all that happens before him, but a task requiring him to discern and feel the climate and chemistry of the relationships between children and parents.  This is an inquiry in which the court hopes to hear not only the words but the music of the various relationships.”  Dempsey v. Dempsey, 96 Mich. App. 276, 289 (1980).

What is the goal of an in cameraRead More... “In Camera Interviews of Children in Divorce Court”

Marital Consequences of the Repeal of Federal Estate Tax

estatetaxrepeal.jpgTo the surprise of everyone in the estate planning community, Congress failed to address a critical estate and generation-skipping tax matter before the end of 2009, resulting in the repeal of the federal estate tax.  However, this repeal is for 2010 only.  In 2011, the exclusion for federal estate tax reverts back to $1,000,000.  How is this possible, and what effect does it have on couples’ estate plans, particularly second marriages?

Since 2001, the federal estate tax has been gradually phasing out, with an increasing exclusion from federal estate tax each year.  In 2009, the exclusion increased to $3,500,000. In 2010 however, the federal estate tax disappears, only to return in 2011 with only a $1,000,000 exclusion.  To further complicate things, although the federal estate tax disappears in 2010, the unlimited step-up in basis for inherited assets also disappears; and a decedent’s estate is permitted to increase the basis of assets by only up to a total of $1.3 million with an additional $3 million if there is a surviving spouse.  How does this affect estate planning?

Many couples’ estate plans were written to shelter the exclusion at the death of the first spouse by using a “by-pass” or “shelter … Read More... “Marital Consequences of the Repeal of Federal Estate Tax”

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