The Importance of Financial Planners for Clients Facing Divorce or Dissolution

fin_divorce.jpgI generally begin my articles for our Family Blog Web Site with a definition of the topic or subject that I am addressing, and this month’s article will not deviate from that practice.  Finance is defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary as being “the science of managing money”.  And, Financial Planner is defined by Wikipedia as “a practicing professional who helps people deal with various personal financial issues through proper planning, which includes but is not limited to these major areas: cash flow management, education planning, estate planning, investment planning, risk management and insurance planning, tax planning, estate planning and business succession planning (for business owners).  The work engaged in by this professional is commonly known as personal financial planning.  In carrying out the planning function, he or she is guided by the financial planning process to create a financial plan – a detailed strategy tailored to a client’s specific situation, for meeting a client’s specific goals.”

Jay Buckingham, CFP, of Buckingham Financial Group has been my personal Financial Planner for over ten (10) years.  In order to assist me with the preparation of this article, I recently met with Jay to discuss his role as a Financial Planner.  I … Read More... “The Importance of Financial Planners for Clients Facing Divorce or Dissolution”

Thoughts about Your Divorce Day

div_day2.jpgJust as each marriage is unique, so is each divorce. Your reaction to the final legal decree will vary from that of others going through this process. Your feelings will be based on your own special circumstances and will depend upon a number of factors:

  • How reconciled you are to the divorce.
  • How much time has passed between the filing of the original papers and the final day.
  • How much acrimony still exists with your spouse.
  • How much rebuilding of your own life you have already done.

Divorce Day can bring about a myriad of feelings, ranging from extreme sadness to exuberant joy to calm indifference. By knowing yourself and your own feelings about your situation, you can predict, to some degree, how you will feel.

Here are some tips for preparing for your day in court:

  • Make a trial run the day before so you know how to get there and where to park. This can help with any anxiety you may have about getting lost or finding parking.
  • Ask your lawyer to explain exactly what will happen on the final day. Will your lawyer be there? Will you have to testify? Will your spouse? Ask any questions you
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A Reprise of “The Red Ones Are The Best!”

4thj.jpgSome holidays warrant special attention.  Independence Day is certainly one of them.  Last year, I wrote an article for the occasion which I dedicated to my Aunt Marion.  In it, I shared some meaningful personal memories and experiences.  I have decided to repost it, but this year I want to dedicate it to a wonderful client I represented this past year through a very long and difficult divorce.  “Jane” is one of my all time favorite clients!  In part, due to her class, intelligence, grace and the exceptional humor she exhibited throughout the proceedings which hit her from “left field” and ended a 19 year marriage.  Together, we worked through each painful issue step by step to trial.  She and I connected . . .   So, why do I mention this?  Well, Jane became a reader of the Ohio Family Law Blog and grew up in Maine, like my Aunt Marion.  Jane read the 4th of July article I wrote and after her case was done, Jane made a generous donation of children’s books to both a local library and to Dayton Children’s Hospital in honor of my Aunt and as a “thank you”!  What a wonderful and exceptionally thoughtful … Read More... “A Reprise of “The Red Ones Are The Best!””

When Our Adult Children Divorce

adult_child2.jpgAs an adult who weathered through a divorce proceeding within the past thirteen (13) years, I was the product of an “intact family” having parents who were married for more than 54 years.  Like most young women, I was “socialized” into thinking that I would grow up, meet Prince Charming, fall in love, get married, and “live happily ever after”!  Unfortunately, that dream of many young women has become more of a myth than a “true-to-life” fairy tale as our divorce rate approaches or exceeds 50% for first time marriages.  Nevertheless, I was hopeful that my two children would not be negatively affected by their parents’ divorce as they were not toddlers anymore.  When my divorce actually took place, both children had graduated from college and were living independently.

When my son advised us that he was going to become engaged, we were thrilled for him.  They seemed to be so happy and so in love with one another.  Their wedding was like a “fairy tale” wedding with a beautiful bride, a handsome groom, and a great wedding party of supportive friends and relatives.  Three children and 16 years later, the glow of the first few years has faded, the … Read More... “When Our Adult Children Divorce”

AlcohoIism And Chemical Dependency: Special Dilemmas In Family Law Cases

drug_al.jpgAlcoholism is defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary as “the habitual drinking of alcoholic liquor, or as a resulting diseased condition”. It is also defined as a chronic and progressive illness characterized by physiological and psychological dependency upon the ingestion of alcohol; a loss of control over drinking, including when, and in what form, how much, and why; and interference with normal functioning in one or all such areas such as family, work, friendship, and community activity.

Chemical Dependency can be defined as alcoholism is above…..but it is a chronic and progressive illness characterized by a physical and psychological dependency upon the ingestion of legal or illegal mood altering drugs; a loss of control over the ingestion of the drugs, including when, and in what form, how much, and why; and interference with normal functioning in one or all such areas such as family, work, friendship, and community activity.

Are families in domestic relations matters impacted by these diseases?

Absolutely. I practiced mental health/chemical dependency nursing for a number of years before entering law school, so I am very attuned to alcohol/chemical dependency issues. While I have not conducted any research over the past twenty-two (22) years of my legal … Read More... “AlcohoIism And Chemical Dependency: Special Dilemmas In Family Law Cases”

Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children

adult_child.jpgIt’s a misconception that when parents divorce it doesn’t affect adult children. It is important to remember that our children may be adults (and even may have experienced divorce themselves), but they are still children of both parents. In going through divorce, many parents “lean” on their children, making them into confidantes and, sometimes, surrogate spouses. Children, even adult children, are uncomfortable with details of their parents’ personal life. Confiding to a child about a parent’s indiscretions puts the child in a no-win situation. Many of the adult children I have spoken with say that they are shocked and angry by their parents’ behavior. But as the child, they continue to want the relationship. Giving adult children inappropriate information puts them in a quandary – how to have a relationship with a parent who may have behaved terribly in marriage without feeling disloyal to the other parent? Children are entitled to have a relationship with each parent that is not based on that parent’s performance as a spouse.

Adult children are also affected by divorce in practical ways. Dividing visiting time between the two parents, possibly even grandparents, is a huge problem. The pressure of being “fair and equal” becomes … Read More... “Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children”

Get Your Ex’s Consent To Travel Abroad With Your Minor Child, Avoid Feeling Like You Just Went Over Niagara Falls in a Barrel!

child_travel.jpgIf you are planning a foreign vacation this summer, you had better plan ahead to determine all the necessary travel documents that you will need.  This can be a much more complex issue than one might think.  A good place to start is the U.S. Department of State International Travel website or you can call them at (877) 487-2778.

I do not intend to try to outline all the various documents required for each international destination, but rather to alert our readers of a requirement that is more obscure.  In recent years, concerns about international child abductions have increased; and as a result, new travel restrictions have been imposed including border officials becoming much more cautious when they encounter a child traveling without both biological parents.  Just having a child’s birth certificate is not enough.  It is wise to bring a copy of the legal custody orders with you.  But in addition, did you realize that a child departing the U.S. and traveling with only one parent, grandparents, a guardian, or another adult or group, must have a notarized Travel Consent Authorization document from both birth parents or legal guardians?

This is true even if you are planning a quick … Read More... “Get Your Ex’s Consent To Travel Abroad With Your Minor Child, Avoid Feeling Like You Just Went Over Niagara Falls in a Barrel!”

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