Marriage Works! Ohio – Perhaps It’s Just What You Need!

marworks2.jpg“Wait a minute!  Did I read that right?  Marriage ‘building’ advice and links to what sounds like a marriage ‘strengthening’ organization on a Divorce Attorney’s website…what’s up with that?”  Those thoughts and questions may have run through your mind as you have explored our law firm’s blog and website, but you read correctly.  The desire to help strengthen marriages and prevent divorce, if at all possible, may be unusual in our industry, but saving marriages and strengthening families is good for society!  To that end, our website, as well as our Ohio Family Law Blog, provides people with links to pro-family organizations like Marriage Works! Ohio, an organization whose mission is helping couples strengthen their relationships.

We have teamed up with Marriage Works! Ohio since 2009 when they agreed to write monthly “Relationship Builder Tips” for our Ohio Family Law Blog. Those tips have been very well received and are an integral part of the blog. If you want to read an archive of those tips, click here. I was interested in learning more about the organization and the author of those tips. I recently had the pleasure of personally meeting Sydney Battle, the Support Services Supervisor … Read More... “Marriage Works! Ohio – Perhaps It’s Just What You Need!”

Bringing Laughter Back Into Your Life

bringlaugh.jpgJoel Goodman of the Humor Project in Saratoga Springs, New York, says, “Humor is what lubricates life.” Humor can help you deal with all the stressors in your life. Humor cannot erase the situation, but it can take the sting out of many things, thus reducing their negative impact. In order for humor to be curative in your life, you need to find your own laugh button. Remember, divorce is one part of your life, don’t make it your whole life!

Jennie remarked recently how surprised she was that she could still feel joy taking a walk on a beautiful autumn morning, even though she felt devastated by her divorce. Nurture those feelings of joy, laughter, and wonder. Laughter is not just a luxury; it is a vital piece in the healing process. It is especially important during times of stress. It provides our body, heart, and mind with a welcome and necessary reprieve. It just doesn’t feel good, it actually IS good. Laughter changes the chemicals our body secretes-Endorphins boost feelings of well being and peace.

Creating humor from a stressful situation gives you the opportunity to experience a shift in perspective. No one is suggesting that you become … Read More... “Bringing Laughter Back Into Your Life”

The Benefits of Four Way Settlement Conferences

settlecon.jpgThe topic for this Family Blog Article is one that is I like to use and one that I highly recommend to clients and to other practitioners.  A four (4) way settlement conference is a meeting or conference attended by both parties (Husband and Wife) and their respective attorneys.  The meeting generally takes place at one of the attorney’s offices but it could be held at an absolutely neutral location such as the Bar Association, a local library, or a church having meeting rooms available for the public.  The meetings can take place during normal business hours but can also be held during evening or weekend hours as no one from the Court needs to be present and no one from the Court needs to oversee or supervise the conference.  Therefore, the scheduling of settlement conferences can be done to accommodate each of the parties’ schedules and their respective attorneys’ schedules.

If I am scheduling a settlement conference, I generally set aside at least two (2) hours of time and I prefer to schedule them for 2:00 p.m or 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon with the thought that the conference will last up to two (2) hours of time and … Read More... “The Benefits of Four Way Settlement Conferences”

A Good Divorce Therapist is Critical to Your Emotional Health!

goodtherapist.jpgFor most people going through a divorce, there is no substitute for having a neutral professional by their side who is trained to listen and discuss the emotional issues relevant to a divorce.  The emotions many encounter are similar to dealing with a death or loss of a loved one.  Therapists may refer to the stages of emotion by differing names, but they are: shock, denial, anger, sadness, and finally, acceptance.

In my practice I discuss counseling with virtually every new divorce client I meet.  Many clients going through a divorce feel like their life has been completely turned upside down.  Even if the individual has some sort of a “support network”, this is usually not an adequate substitute for having a good therapist. Most friends or family members are not trained or equipped to provide objective professional guidance and steady you through the divorce process, which often can turn into a very long marathon.

I have seen over the years how important it can be to work collaboratively with a divorce client’s therapist.  The therapist is not trained in the law, and I am not trained in psychology. We each have distinctly different roles. A good therapist can help … Read More... “A Good Divorce Therapist is Critical to Your Emotional Health!”

Demeanor and Behavior in Court

Last December, I posted an article entitled “How to Dress for Court – Do’s and Don’ts“.  Today, my article will focus upon proper demeanor and behavior at court appearances.  I will first discuss the basic “To Do List”!

The “To Do’s”

  • It is imperative to be on time!  If the hearing is scheduled to take place at 9:00 a.m. you should be present to meet with your attorney at least fifteen minutes early. If you don’t know where you will be going, it might be a good idea to make a “trial run” beforehand.  Just don’t be late…it is not excusable by the Court for a party to be “tardy” for a hearing before the Court.
  • If you have babies, toddlers, or young children, please find a babysitter or day care center to provide for their care.  Our Courts can be crowded and the waiting areas and Courtrooms are not comfortable or conducive places for having young children. Further, you may be asked to make some important decisions at the time of your hearing.  Having a baby or toddler who may be “fussy” or “irritable” may distract you with the decision-making process.
  • If you are already involved with
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When Your Ex Opts Out -Talking to Your Children When Your Former Spouse Decides to Not Parent

optsout.jpgConsistently, one of my favorite blogs is Michael Mastracci’s Divorce Without Dishonor Blog. Mike is an excellent attorney from Baltimore, Maryland. His own difficult and acrimonious divorce and child custody battle led to his personal interest in collaborative family law.  Both attorneys and clients should include his blog on their frequent read list. Mike regularly espouses ethical, moral and philosophical standards that we should aspire to meet. I have personally and professionally been a proponent of child welfare issues for over 30 years. So, when I read his recent post about “When Your Ex Opts Out – Talking to Your Children When Your Former Parent Decides to Not Parent”, I had to ask Mike if I could have his permission to republish it. He kindly agreed. Here it is:

Although most divorcing couples deeply desire a relationship with their children after the marriage dissolves, there are exceptions to this rule. Sometimes, one of the newly divorced parents feels that their life would be easier or freer if not encumbered by their children.  They drop out of the picture for an unpredictable period of time, sometimes weeks or even years.  The custodial parent is left to explain their actions to

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Sudden Divorce Syndrome: Reality or Myth?

suddendiv.jpgI am pleased that Donna Ferber, a psychotherapist and a frequent contributor to the Ohio Family Law Blog has agreed to co-author this article with me! Our goal is to present both the legal and emotional perspectives of a trend that we are seeing in our professional practices: long term marriages ending by divorce when the wife has come to the conclusion that she has just “had enough” and that the husband is seemingly caught “blindsided” by the situation. The intent of the article is not a male versus female point and counterpoint, but rather a collaborative discourse that can provide insight into the complexity of the issues.

My legal analysis is in regular black font and Donna’s perspective as a psychotherapist is in blue italics

Having been a divorce lawyer for over 30 years, I see recurring themes in many of my cases.  Statistics show that there will be about a million divorces in the United States this year.  About 75% are filed by women.  More of my male clients are telling me that they are completely “blind-sided” by the divorce situation.  These are individuals in long-term marriages who have honored their wedding vows, are not abusers, and … Read More... “Sudden Divorce Syndrome: Reality or Myth?”

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