Blast From The Past: New Year Resolutions for Those Going Through a Divorce

Blast From The Past: New Year Resolutions for Those Going Through a Divorce

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorites posts from back on January 15th, 2022! The advice rings as true now as it did then! …We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Making a Resolution can help you focus after Divorce

Going Through a Divorce in the New Year? Make a Resolution to Help you through the Adjustment!

make resolution new year going through divorceAs we embrace the new year, changes are inevitable. Especially if you are going through a separation or divorce. For you this might be a time of loss and sadness. Also think of it as a time of the hope for a brighter, happier future. The key is in the mindset about how to act and think differently in the new year.

Typically, people make promises to exercise more, or eat a healthier way, or perhaps lose weight. Often these goals are made with good intentions and start off strong, but within a month or so are forgotten. It might be more meaningful and helpful, especially for someone going through divorce to focus on a philosophical position, and to … Read More... “Blast From The Past: New Year Resolutions for Those Going Through a Divorce”

New Year Resolutions for Those Going Through a Divorce

New Year Resolutions for Those Going Through a Divorce

Making a Resolution can help you focus after Divorce

Going Through a Divorce in the New Year? Make a Resolution to Help you through the Adjustment!

make resolution new year going through divorceAs we embrace the new year, changes are inevitable. Especially if you are going through a separation or divorce. For you this might be a time of loss and sadness. Also think of it as a time of the hope for a brighter, happier future. The key is in the mindset about how to act and think differently in the new year.

Typically, people make promises to exercise more, or eat a healthier way, or perhaps lose weight. Often these goals are made with good intentions and start off strong, but within a month or so are forgotten. It might be more meaningful and helpful, especially for someone going through divorce to focus on a philosophical position, and to work on changing their mindset.

Below please find some useful resolutions that perhaps will help you to adjust your thinking and actions during a difficult time such as divorce.

Make a resolution to forgive…

Forgive you might ask, after all I have gone through? When you can forgive your ex it doesn’t … Read More... “New Year Resolutions for Those Going Through a Divorce”


Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHERS NOTE: With a new year upon us, it is always good to set an attainable New Year’s resolution.  With that in mind, we look back on an Estate Planning blog article from January 5, 2019.  According to a survey, only 42 percent of adults have even a simple will, and for those with minor children, the statistic is even worse-only 36 percent.  Estate Plans should also be reviewed occasionally to determine if updates are needed. Don’t put it off any longer.  For the sake of your loved ones, put an effective estate plan in place.

A Simple Will Will Provide You With Benefits Many Years Down The Road

estate planning simple will new years resolutionIt’s that time of year when best intentions are set forth and New Year’s resolutions are made.  However, according to U.S. News and World Report, by February over eighty percent of those resolutions have been broken.  For many, it is time to make a very important resolution that is easy to keep and will provide benefits for years to come.  Make a will.

Many of us have heard or read lately of some of the celebrities who have died with large estates and no estate planning, creating headaches … Read More... “Blast From The Past: NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION: MAKE A WILL”