What is the Ohio “Parents’ Bill of Rights,” and How Should Divorcing Parents Prepare for It?

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Ohio Parents’ Bill of Rights and Divorce: What Separating Parents Need to Know

Ohio Parents' Bill of Rights and DivorceGovernor Mike DeWine signed Ohio House Bill 8 into law, also known as the Ohio Parents’ Bill of Rights, which has implications for divorce and co-parenting. Bill 8 requires public schools to establish policies on parental notification on student health and well-being, Instructional materials with sexuality content, and policies for released time courses in religious instruction. The law goes into effect on April 9, 2025, but the school districts will have until July1, 2025, to implement these policies. Click hereto read the new law.

The schools will have to defer to parents in decisions concerning their child’s upbringing. Access to educational and health records shall be available to parents, and the school will notify parents of any change in health aspects of the child’s life including the student’s gender identity, school officials are not allowed to encourage a child to withhold this information from parents. Parents will also be provided the opportunity to review any “sexuality content” before instruction and given the ability to withdraw student from that lesson, Kindergarten through 3rd grade shall prohibit any sexuality content. Finally, the schools will adopt a religious release … Read More... “What is the Ohio “Parents’ Bill of Rights,” and How Should Divorcing Parents Prepare for It?”