What Is Parental Alienation And Parental Alienation Syndrome?

sep_pt1.jpgSubmitted by Robert L. Mues with legal research and assistance from Aaron Hill, an extern from the University of Dayton School of Law.

There are a number of different factors and circumstances that have an effect on the determination of custody in Ohio. According to O.R.C. §3109.04(F)(1), the court must consider all relevant factors when determining the best interest of the child. One of those relevant factors under Section 3109.04 (F)(1)(I) includes whether either parent has continuously and willfully denied the other parent’s right to parenting time or visitation as ordered by a court. While visitation denials may be relatively easy to prove in court, that alone doesn’t amount to parental alienation. Further, it is not uncommon for some amount of alienation to occur when parents first separate. Usually, the alienation subsides after the parents’ transition through the separation and move on with their lives. In some cases it doesn’t, and instead it continues and escalates to what has become referred to as “Parental Alienation Syndrome”. This disorder was first identified by Richard A. Gardner, a forensic psychiatrist, in the mid-1980s, and defines it as:

A disorder that arises primarily in the context of child-custody disputes. Its primary manifestation is
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Understanding the Courts: Family Relations Department of the Domestic Relations Court of Montgomery County, Ohio

courtmc.jpgWhat Does the Family Relations Department of the Domestic Relations Court of Montgomery County, Ohio, do for the court and for the clients of the court?

The Family Relations Department entered into a Memorandum of Understanding Program Description wherein it describes it will provide the following services:

  • Guardian Ad Litem Services
  • Parenting Time Facilitation
  • Parenting Time Investigations
  • Home Study Investigations
  • Other.

An Interview with Sandra Fredrick, Manager of the Family Relations Department of the Domestic Relations Court of Montgomery County, Ohio, took place on Monday, June 30, 2008, with the specific intent to answer the question posited above.

Ms. Fredrick advised me that she had been with the Court since 1978, this being her thirtieth (30th) year with the Court. She explained to me that it was during Judge Charles Lowman’s term with the Court that he caused the Guardian Ad Litem program to be initiated to assist the Court with issues of custody, visitation, and other disputed child-related issues, especially for persons who did not have the money to pay for a psychological evaluation of the parties.

While the cost of a private psychological evaluation of the parties and significant others could easily exceed the sum of $2500.00, … Read More... “Understanding the Courts: Family Relations Department of the Domestic Relations Court of Montgomery County, Ohio”

The Role and Functions of a Guardian ad Litem in the State of Ohio, Pt. 2

In part 2, Attorney Anne Shale lists four more functions of a Guardian ad Litem in the State of Ohio including her conclusion.

Who pays for the services of the Guardian ad Litem?

The Court has great discretion in determining which party shall pay for the services of a Guardian ad Litem. In many instances, the Court will initially direct each party to pay for one half of the Guardian ad Litem’s fees. Depending upon the recommendations of the Guardian ad Litem, the Court may reserve the right to reallocate or reapportion the payment of the fees for the Guardian ad Litem.

For example, if Mother is asserting that Father is abusive with a harmful dependence upon drugs and/or alcohol and the Guardian ad Litem finds no evidence of same with his/her investigation of the family unit, the Court may direct Mother to pay for all of the Guardian ad Litem’s fees.

What are the “usual” fees for having a Guardian ad Litem?

The “usual” fees will vary from case to case and from Court to Court so the answer is dependent upon the facts of the case and the Court having jurisdiction of the case. In the Domestic Relations … Read More... “The Role and Functions of a Guardian ad Litem in the State of Ohio, Pt. 2”

Father’s Day Reflections, Including Freud and Tongue Biting

Father’s Day can be an extremely difficult one for many children. Unfortunately, thousands of children will not be with their father this Father’s Day due to many factors including divorce, death or service in the armed forces. As a result, many children don’t have the opportunity for a traditional Father’s Day.

I’d like to offer some thoughts about the importance of this day from the perspective of both a father and a practicing divorce lawyer for 30 years:

  1. Take the High Road. If it’s within your power to help a child spend some time or even talk with his or her father on Father’s Day, take the high road and make a special effort to make it happen. Across the country, thousands of children and fathers don’t have the opportunity to share their feelings with each other.
  2. Are You Too Busy to See Your Children? If you happen to be a father who lives with, or has access, to your children, realize how blessed you are to have children and don’t waste the opportunity to tell them how much you love them and how important they are to you! Thousands of fathers without such an opportunity would envy being in
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New Study Concludes that Divorce is Neither Good nor Bad: May Not Cause Kids’ Bad Behavior

Here’s a news flash. The “experts” disagree! Many well-respected studies over the years have concluded that kids are often negatively impacted as a result of their parent’s divorce. However according to Allen Li, of the prestigious RAND Corporation’s Population Research Center in Santa Monica, California, most kids are not seriously affected by the divorce in the long term, but a divorce raises the risk that a child will have future problems. Li presented his findings in Chicago April 26, 2008, at a meeting of the non-profit Council on Contemporary Families.

The study by Li was based upon a large sample-6,332 children. His methodology differed from that which was used by others in the past. He didn’t measure children of divorced parents with children of married parents. Instead, he measured behavior problems such as crying, cheating or arguing frequently, in children ages four to fifteen before and after their parents’ split. He describes it as a “longitudinal approach”. Li found a slight increase in bad behavior on post-divorce children but excluded the finding because it was so slight. In the abstract to his study, Li concludes “that children of divorce would have fared equally well/poor in terms of their emotional well-being Read More... “New Study Concludes that Divorce is Neither Good nor Bad: May Not Cause Kids’ Bad Behavior”

Mother’s Day – A Very Special Day!

Naturally Mother’s Day is a special day for families and especially for mothers. In this day and age however, there are often multiple females who may play a key role in a child’s life. Stepmothers and grandmothers raising their grandchildren as their own are now quite the norm. These women need to be recognized on Mother’s Day.

Stepmothers are often portrayed in a negative light. It is important to look at all sides, as a step mom often has to walk the tight rope. She has to carefully navigate the road so that she is an integral part of her new child or children’s lives, while still respecting the child’s need to honor and love their own mother. Grandmothers raising grandchildren as their own child has been an increasing occurrence in our society. Across the United States, more than 6 million children are being raised in households headed by grandparents and other relatives. In my opinion they should be nominated as saints! In addition to a child’s natural mother, a stepmother or a primary care giving grandmother can play a pivotal role in a child’s life.

Kate Fogerty has written extensively about the challenges of blending families. In a piece … Read More... “Mother’s Day – A Very Special Day!”

National and Ohio Statistics related to Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

I have listed some of the most intriguing statistics from the 2000 U. S. Census Bureau Table DP-2, Profile Selected Social Characteristics :

  • Across the United States, more than 6 million children are being raised in households headed by grandparents and other relatives.
  • 2.5 million children are in these households without any parents present.
  • Nationally, 4.5 million children are living in grandparent-headed households (6.3% of all children under age 18). This represents a 30% increase from 1990 to 2000.
  • There are another 1.5 million children in the United States who are living in households headed by other relatives (2.1% of all children under 18).
  • In Ohio, there are 157, 298 children living in grandparent-headed households (5.4% of all children in the state). There are another 35,333 children living in households headed by other relatives (1.2 % of all children in the state). Of the children living in households headed by grandparents or other relatives in Ohio, 76,794 are living there without either parent present.
  • Nationally, 2.4 million grandparents report they are responsible for their grandchildren living with them: 29% of these grandparents are African American;17% are Hispanic/Latino; 2% are American Indian or Alaskan Native; 3% are Asian ;and 47%
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