Has Your Ohio Driver’s License Been Suspended in Montgomery County Because Of Missed Child Support Payments? If So, Read About This Special Reinstatement Program in August Only

Alert Key Legal Update

August brings special program for Child Support Awareness Month


August is “child support awareness month.” On August 6, 2022, we alerted our readers about this special limited-time opportunity. It appears that the only new updates from last year are that more people are taking advantage of it.

In 2021, 44 people took advantage of it and $12,000 was collected. In 2022, 119 people took advantage of the reinstatement opportunity, resulting in more than $32,139 being collected. This is noteworthy opportunity to take advantage of if your driving privileges have been suspended for non-payment of child support!

Special License Reinstatement Program to Run Through August

child support awareness monthParents in Montgomery County who have had their drivers privileges suspended for not paying child support can take advantage of a special reinstatement program that is being offered during the month of August. August is Child Support Awareness Month, and the Montgomery County Child Support Enforcement Agency is giving parents with suspended licenses an opportunity to have the suspension lifted if the parent pays one month of back support. Usually in order to get the suspension lifted, the parent has to pay 3 months.

During the pandemic, many parents had financial difficulties … Read More... “Has Your Ohio Driver’s License Been Suspended in Montgomery County Because Of Missed Child Support Payments? If So, Read About This Special Reinstatement Program in August Only”