Violation of Protection Order Online: How Tagging A Victim On Facebook Or Social Media Platforms Can Land You In Jail!
This article is posted with permission from Attorney Tom Kopacz from an article he posted on January 19, 2016, on our firm’s Ohio Criminal Defense Law Blog…Get ready for a good read!
Close your eyes for a moment and think back to a day when Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Vimeo, YouTube, and LinkedIn were not in existence. Did you feel that sense of pure freedom from Social Media or did you freak out because you don’t know what you friend had for lunch today because you can’t see his food post? Regardless, it is pretty crazy to think about our society without Social Media or Facebook at the grasp of our fingertips.
Millions of people connect every second of the day via Social Media platforms like Facebook. By simply posting a picture or a status update you are connected with people across the world. The world is truly your oyster when posting pictures of yourself sweating in the gym and captioning the picture with generic motivational sayings.
Another great aspect of saying what you feel through status updates or … Read More... “Facebook Tagging: Violating A Protection Order Through Social Media”