Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight and Mues, LPA presents Sips and Slices!

May 13, 2015
The law firm of Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues (HCM&M), is very excited to host its first-ever Sips and Slices fundraising event benefiting Victory Project’s Building Fund. Sips and Slices will take place at Flanagan’s Pub in Dayton beginning at 4 pm on Saturday, June 6.
Victory Project exposes young men to the 3Es curriculum – Education, Entrepreneurship and Enlightenment. Through a positive socio-economic experience, Victory Project aims to empower young men to discover the life God intended for them by learning and enhancing their self-awareness, self-sufficiency and selfless service. With this vision and belief, Victory Project builds an uncommon alliance with uncommon youth for uncommon results, all without government funding.
In November of 2014, Victory Project moved from their original Downtown Dayton location on West 5th Street to 409 Troy Street, the former Thomas Graphics building in Old North Dayton. This new facility created a better learning and working environment for the young men and has given Victory Project the ability to expand its vital community program.
Through the generosity of Dave Thomas and Mike Lafferty, Victory Project was able to purchase the Thomas Graphics Building at a reduced price. There is still $55,000 to be paid on the mortgage and that is why we need your help!
HCM&M and Victory Project are asking you to strongly consider a tax-deductible contribution for this upcoming fundraiser. The funds raised will be put towards the building project mentioned above and towards Victory Project in general.
Contributions of $100 or more will be recognized on our social media sites and will be announced throughout the event. In order for your company name and/or organization to be included, please ensure that your contributions are received by May 20th, 2015. Please submit your company or organization logo by e-mail to Kelsey Mangan at mangankl@gmail.com by May 20th, as well.
Please make checks payable to “Victory Project” and send it to:
Attn: Kelsey Mangan
1105 Wilmington Avenue
Dayton, OH 45420
Through the support and generosity of local businesses and individual contributions, Sips and Slices promises to be an exciting and fun-filled day for families. We will provide pizza, beverages for adults and children and door prizes. In addition, Monnie Bush, founder & CEO of Victory Project, will be joined by board members to speak about the positive impact Victory Project is having on young men in the surrounding Dayton area. So, please bring your family and friends to help support this great cause and great organization!
Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.